Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Global Fashion Week and Awards : “We are commercializing the magic of catwalk and transforming it to opportunities for the benefit of children’s education" - GCCI President


The Global fashion week and award is a showpiece and award put together by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to recognize iconic Fashion brands, designers, textile industries, and in addition, it will project the latest trends and collections of fashions to media and prospective buyers.


Keeping the entertainment elegance that normally goes with fashion events aside,  the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George revealed that one of the aims of the Globe Chamber Fashion Week and Awards is to give fresh breath to global fashion, textile and leather industries. He described the event as one of the projects GCCI is putting togther in 2023 and it will be holding alongside with Baltic - Africa Economic Cooperation and Investment Forum, from the 25th to 28th of August 2023..

“We want to use the event to promote global fabrics and an all-inclusive fashion, fashion has become everything we do and it is one important industry that had produced outstanding  individuals and grown economies of many nations” the president added.


“We have done a couple of fashion events around the world in the past and this one is really exciting for us”

“Most continents are synonymous with fashion and their fabrics are known globally, for instance, Africa fabrics, which should be a household name around the globe, because there’s no proper platform to sell the brand, some hardly left the shores of the owners’ countries. So we want to use this platform not just to market their brands but, also to popularize their heritage for people to see.  And wear their fabrics with pride around the world because in Africa, one thing they care so much about is their heritage which is what our fashion show connote”, he added.


Beyond attracting  lots of participants, we’ll be looking forward to making the event a fashion fair that will feature many countries of the world and yes!, we  believe the economic impact will be very massive.“he continued


“The fashion Show do not only project fashion entertainment, but also project the need for less privileged children to have adequate education.  That’s why the sub-theme was tagged “A Global Campaign on Visible-positive Change on Children Education”.


“We are commercializing the magic of catwalk and transforming it to opportunities for the benefit of children’s education.

“If we must make the world a home for all, we should consider the education of our children, because they are considered the future of tomorrow.” He concluded.





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