Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Global Exports Exhibition and Expo: a program that will promote ideas, and serve common interests.


One of the problems that exist in global trade dynamics while building new trade linkages is an uncertain surrounded by continuously changing international environment. such as, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing consequences of the pandemic, and US-China trade disputes which have caused governments and global perspectives to rethink trade as a critical component of economic security.


Governments, businesses, and societies are being pushed to navigate new approaches to new realities as a result of a shift toward a green and digital economy.


In the light of the above, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is introducing Global Exports Exhibition and Expo, a program that will create an opportunity to increase the need for adequate planning, essential communication and proper coordination of business activities, which will facilitate the effectiveness of brand promotion and networking, while highlighting, successfully finding and implementing dynamic solutions for the issues affecting export trade.


The Global Exports Exhibition and Expo is the gathering of export experts, export stakeholders, decision makers, government representatives and all involved in exports matters to promote and enhance the importance of exports in any given economy  whereby creating an opportunity to increase the need for adequate planning, essential communication and proper coordination of export activities.


Export business is what defines the growth and stability of any country and as such we’ll ensure the export program comes alive with exciting features, timely scheduled and attractive event that keep participants requesting for more


According to a statement from the GCCI website, The Global exports exhibition and expo objective will be to function as a socializing institution for the emerging global elite, industrialists, technocrats and exports stakeholders. Adding that it will promote ideas, and serve common interests.


The world most emerging markets today need to take advantage of the massive hunger for trade and infrastructural development across continents. Several countries are involved, because we have come to understand that export program like this create the needed platforms, not only between nations, but between organizations who need them, so they can directly plan and implement their trade and investment strategies.

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