Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Renewal Energy Business Forum: a forum with objective of advancing the global energy transition to renewables.


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is embarking on a journey with a fresh focus on collaborative innovation, which is not only about new technologies, but requires system-wide collaboration to unlock exponential growth opportunities.


In the forthcoming Renewal Energy Business Forum, Globe Chamber of commerce and encourages leaders from all walks of life to converge and deliberate on policies and experiences. Much emphasis will be on developing technical know-how to advance renewables at the global, national, and subnational levels.


Energy is so important that it could be seen as the pivot of global prosperity and wellbeing. Societies depend upon access to reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy. Energy systems are changing fast, shaped by many factors and diverse actors.


Energy transition is nothing new. However, today’s challenges of managing a successful and global energy transition are unprecedented. Energy is not just a sector: energy developments impact and are impacted by developments in some of the most significant systems around the globe: power, transport, industry, food, buildings.


The Renewal Energy Business Forum will inevitably involve representatives from business, governments, civil society, science and academia all whom will participate in the discussions and deliberation, with the objective of advancing the global energy transition to renewables.


 The emphasis will also entails drawing from the past triumphs and disappointments to identify what potential innovation and cooperation might provide and how advancements in one country can feed into regional renewables development. at the Forum, issues relevant to the host country and region will be explored from international, national, and local viewpoints, with many speakers and attendees participating on a variety of topics.





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