Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Globe Expo United kingdom: An exposition fair and exhibition event that will promote a unifying and all inclusive business growth.


The Globe Expo United kingdom (GEX UK), is an exposition fair and exhibition event designed to bring business individuals, Trade leaders, stakeholders of various extraction together to partner and explore trade and investment opportunities.


The objective of this Globe Expo basically, is to promote and strengthen partnership and existing opportunities, and provide a platform for government, investors, private sector representatives, financial institutions, trade professionals, industrialists and business experts to explore global investment and business opportunities.


The Expo will also provide an unrivaled venue for high-level dialogue that will address business networking issues. It will also propel togetherness among business leaders from a varied range of organizations to discuss and improve business and investment climate.


The Expo in its scheme of activities, will also promote the power of business partnership; as a connecting force between cities, regions and continents: and also, between cultures, companies and people in a view to promote a unifying and all inclusive business growth.


The Globe Expo United kingdom (GEX UK) is designed to be held in London, United Kingdom from the 18th to 20th of July 2023 and it will be powered by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

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