Tuesday, January 31, 2023

World Sports -Trade Expo: "The answers from yesterday cannot be used to address the problems of today. We therefore, we need fresh but strategic ideas in the sporting business" - GCCI President



The World Sports-Trade Expo will be one of the largest exhibition shows of its kind and it will bring together media personnels,  sports' enthusiasts, technology experts, entertainers and all sports loving personnel to connect and network. The exhibition will cover all kinds of activities relating to sports and much more.


According to a media presentation made in regards to lunching the program, the President of Globe chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Buchi George promised that the program which is focused on preparing sporting industry to attract more private sector investment into sports will be action packed.


"The Platform will create a unique blend of experiences that will empower the next generation of sport industry leaders. The program will include features that will inspire creativity and innovation in the sport industry.


“We will achieve this by connecting today’s and future sport business professionals and organizations by developing thought-provoking educational platforms in a personal, yet professional settings. By attending the expo, you will have the opportunity to connect with the current and future sport business leaders”. he added


“We will also be sharing policies and expertise resolutions that will help prevent and resolve challenges in the sporting business.


“Most importantly, our focus would be on how we can engage the global community to buy into-  and engage more in sporting business. The program will be well structured, and I bet, you will not want to miss it”, he stated.


Supporting the subject, the Globe Chamber of Commerce website have it  that, The World Sport Trade Expo will seek to bring together experts, practitioners, researchers, funders and policy makers to share ideas, explore new possibilities and strengthen the potency for collaboration within the trade.

Sport has the potential to drive tremendous economic benefits globally, as it can generate new business and increase employment opportunities through growth in the sector. The Expo will be a gateway to sustainability, participants will explore the program’s integrity and governance in sport as pre-requisites for economic sustainability. In addition, the program will provide a platform for individuals and organizations to explore new and emerging models for the business of sport globally.


The program will not be limited to the following:

  • Hear from eminent sports figures from around the world and region.
  • Stay current on emerging trends and best practices around the world.
  • Foster closer connections among the local sports community.
  • Contribute to plans for advancing sport as a business through conversations and network building
  • Learn about cutting edge sport products and services to enhance your endeavours.


“The answers from yesterday cannot be used to address the problems of today. Therefore, we need fresh but strategic ideas in the business, clients, investors, and the overall sporting trade”. the President concluded

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