Monday, October 25, 2021

Trade Mission and Business Delegation: Trade Nigeria Partners with The Government of Nigeria and Other Relevant Agencies


In making Nigeria a hub and destination of investors from all parts of the world, Trade Nigeria have partnered with Embassies of  Korea, Poland, Taiwan and Japan here in Nigeria; Globe Chamber of Commerce, Federal Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment and the Federal Government of Nigeria in designing Nigeria-Asia Trade Mission and Business Delegation of  Industries, Agriculture, Mines, Investment and Commerce, to South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Nigeria – Poland Economic and Investment Forum 2021.

The Trade Mission and Business Delegation which has now gotten the backing of the Federal Government of Nigeria as well as other international agencies, will be a global business window for investors from around the world to see beyond their country and take advantage of investment opportunities in others.

The chairman of Trade Nigeria, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George again reassured prospective participants that the event will yield unimaginable results.

“Apart from the extra international trade partnership the programme will be offering both local and international investors, it will afford those willing to expand their businesses on a global scale the opportunity to know the right direction to head.

“Old and new businesses stand a chance to exchange ideas, goods and services. This is just a platform to build a new business world for today and the future” the Chairman said, adding that more than 5000 participants are expected at the event in the three Asian and one European country it will be taking place.

A release on the official website of the organization, has it that the event will be taking place in South Korea, Poland, Taiwan and Japan, kicking off in Seoul, South Korea from 3rd – 6th of November and from the 20th - 24th November 2021, Warsaw, Poland from 24th – 26th November 2021, Taipei, Taiwan  and then Tokyo, Japan from 6th – 12th December, 2021.




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