Wednesday, October 6, 2021

In Focus: Nigeria - Norway Economic and Investment Forum, Oslo, Norway.



Ensuring business stability is part of the preparatory for post Covid-19 era, Trade Nigeria in Partnership with Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has rolled out a brand new plan ‘ Nigeria - Norway Economic and Investment Forum’ for 2022. 

Nigeria - Norway Economic and Investment Forum is part of the efforts of the Trade Nigeria organization to strengthen trade between Nigeria and other country as well as Africa and other continents.

The event which is scheduled for 2022 will be joining other plans set aside by Trade Nigeria for the post Covid-19 era.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the President of the organization said Nigeria and Norway will have a lot to offer each other, “We can learn, trade and share both technologies and strategies to make both nations better”

“It will be a joint trade mission, state visit, business delegation of industry, investment and commerce to Oslo, Norway. While over there, our people have a lot to learn from how they have been pulling through, and I believe it will be a wonderful experience” Buchi George added.

Nigeria - Norway Economic and Investment Forum joins the list of other events like Nigeria - Austrialia Economic and Investment Forum, sydney, Australia, Nigeria - Canada Economic and Investment Forum 2022, Nigeria – Malta Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2022, Nigeria- Vietnam Economic and Investment Forum 2022, among others, designed to give the business climate a boost in 2022.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George said; “although 2021 began with a rough patch for business owners, but we believe 2022 will be different, by then the world would have been healed and get over this pandemic. We’re making plans to make it easier, since one thing that has always solved trade problems is international collaborations”

"Nigeria – Norway Economic Forum is simply one the numerous business collaboration platforms we can create as a quick recovery plan for Nigeria and other nations of the world” he added.

The event has been scheduled for 2022 and Hon. Buchi George added that “things will become clearer as we move on.

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