Monday, October 4, 2021

Nigeria -South Korea Economic and Investment Forum 2021: the programme will be strategic in our economic recovery - Hon. Buchi George


Trade Nigeria in partnership with Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Federal Government of Nigeria, The Nigeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the South Korea Embassy, Nigeria is putting up the Nigeria - Korea Economic and Investment Forum 2021.

With the Korea-Africa version of the event failing to hold in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, the organization is using Nigeria – Korea version of the event a bid to step up so that other African countries will benefit from its dividends.

Nigeria - Korea Economic and Investment Forum 2021, is strategically structured in two sections. Section A, will be held in Seoul, South Korea from the 14th - 15th of October 2021 is strictly for G2G and G2B, while the Section B, designed for Busan, South Korea from the 22nd to 25th of October 2021 will be for B2B, B2C meetings and industrial visit. The programme has been strategically planned with a lot of networking point for Korean and Nigerian as well as African investors as Trade Nigeria is proposing that the best way out of the global economic crisis is multiple and strategic collaborations.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the Chairman of Trade Nigeria, in an announcement about the event said, strategic partnership is key to global development at the moment. the forthcoming event will be strategic in the economic recovery of Nigeria as well as Africa.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us few things. We have learnt a few lessons that the most important thing is humanity and every sustainable plan that will make us live well in a good environment. I feel we’ve also come to understand during the lockdown that we’re all patches of islands, but together, we are the world”

“No nation has everything, so we all need to get other things in a way that will be mutually beneficial to all of us”, he added.

He revealed that in Asia as well as the global economy, Korea has always been a key player where Africa can learn a lot from in terms of industrialization, human capital development and strategic planning.

The Chairman said that Trade Nigeria has strategically looked into what Nigeria and Korea can mutually offer each other and there is a whole lot in various sectors.

“There is a reason we expanded the programme to multi-sectorial not just for the benefits of Nigerians but for African at large. We understand that the economy of one’s neighbours can affect his own, so we believe that if we look beyond Nigeria to develop the entire African content, we will be getting it right”, he concluded.


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