Tuesday, December 8, 2020

About Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes, Minister of Economy, Brazil.


Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes

Brazil Minister of Economy

The last Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade was Marcos Jorge de Lima.  He was Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC) under Michel Temer . He also served as executive secretary and chief of staff in the same Ministry.  


 Currently the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade is part of the Ministry of the Economy. The minister of Economic oversees the activities in the Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.


Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes GCRB · GOMM is the current Minister of Economy of Brazil, Born in Rio de Janeiro , August 24 , 1949.

He has a Master and doctor from the University of Chicago, and he was a professor at PUC-Rio and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He is one of the founders of Banco Pactual and several investment funds and companies. He was one of the founders of Ibmec , created to be a research institute on the financial market.


Guedes was announced by then President-elect Jair Bolsonaro as head of the Ministry of Economy, which was created by merging the minist As minister, he proposed the restructuring of the economic area with two main bodies, the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank , formally and politically independent.

Generally regarded as an ultraliberal in the economic field,  Guedes has been an advocate for the privatization of Brazilian state companies, tax reform and pension reform.

As for the pension reform, Guedes defended the change of the current system of distribution (regime in which the payment of retirees is made by active workers) by the model of individual capitalization accounts (where each worker contributes during his life to support his own social security benefit. ). The original text of the Reformation foresaw the change, however the agenda was overturned by the parliamentarians during the process of the project in the Chamber. 

The minister's support for the new capitalization system was criticized by the press. According to some market analysts, this proposal for a radical pension reform was suspect, as it spoke of capitalization without making it clear how this transition would be made. According to an analyst at a risk consultancy, "Guedes says he would pay the cost of privatization, but the privatization process is long, so that is not clear." 

As for the "broad privatization program" that appears in Bolsonaro's government plan, which does not specify how many or which of the 147 companies in the Union would be sold, there is also suspicion. The objective would be to use all the resources obtained from privatizations to pay for public debt

The tax reform plan drafted by Guedes, however, provides for the simplification and unification of federal taxes and the decentralization and municipalization of taxes. The economist even stated that he intended to recreate a tax along the lines of the CPMF , which did not please the market: the idea was to replace PIS , COFINS , IPI , IOF and others - which, together, represent 30 to 40 percent of the cost of industrialized products - by a single tax of approximately 0.5% applied to financial transactions. 


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