Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Asia - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021: Japan - Africa Economic Forum inview

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Partnership with some Global Trade Organizations present Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021.  The Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum aims to further strengthen trade and Investment relations between both continents.

Japan – Africa Economic Forum which is an extract of Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021 is the first to kick start proceedings among other Asia contingents. 

Recalled that Many Africa Presidents were in Tokyo, Japan last year during the 7th Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD 7) to further deepen and extend trade relations between Africa and Japan.

However, Considering the fact that countries in Africa is among the fastest growing economies of the world, many Asia companies are interested in investing into Africa with the main aim of securing strong economic ties.

Currently, Africa main exports to Asia are Crude Oil, Petroleum products and some agricultural products, and as Africa plans to extend exportation from the non-oil export commodities, the Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum will be an eye opener for other business ventures between both countries.

The Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021 will be a power parked program for Companies, businesses, representatives from States and Federal arm. The event will feature Exhibitions,  B2B meetings, Business cocktail, Trade Conference, Business Conference and Bilateral Trade Agreement activities.

For Scheduled date, please read the leaflet above.

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

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