Thursday, December 8, 2022

Globe Chamber of Commerce In An Effort To Organize World Aviation Summit 2023.


Aviation is one of the most global industries; connecting people, cultures and businesses across continents. It is necessary for all stakeholders and partners to work together to maximize the benefits of air transport, and to support the sustainable growth of aviation by connecting more people and more places. Aviation provides the only rapid worldwide transportation network, which makes it essential for global business. It generates economic growth, creates jobs, and facilitates international trade and tourism.


In the light of the above, Globe Chamber of commerce organizes World Aviation Summit, a global event that will connect companies and industries with global community of the Aviation & Aerospace industry. It will also be offering a unique blend of opportunity for students, graduates and those seeking a career change to explore the diverse range of career pathways available in the aviation and aerospace industries.


According to the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce in a media interview, he said that the aviation industry employs a diverse range of people with different characteristics and skill sets”


“Aviation industry have become the leading engine to foster the economic growth in any country. The success of Aviation industry in the field of airlines business have made revolution in national economic in different areas among of them are increasing the gross domestic product, availability of employment opportunities and airlines also help to provide investments and earnings” he added.


“the World Aviation Summit will bring together executives, tech experts and major players in Aviation and offers a unique platform for industry leadership through its high-level Summit, showcasing developments and innovations in a remarkable and convenient manner that will add colour to the occasion”


“ This is an ideal platform for investors who considers aviation as a business opportunity,  companies thinking of using an aircraft for business and flight departments who have long used aircraft as a valuable business tool”


The world Aviation summit will cover areas that promote the highest professional standards in all aerospace disciplines, provide specialist information and act as a central forum for the exchange of ideas”, He continues.


“we implore every well-meaning individual, organization ,innovative minds and investors alike to come on board and take advantage of these business opportunities, with limitless potential for huge returns of investments”, he concluded


The World Aviation Summit is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and it comes up in Portugal, October 2023.

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