Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI): "We are consolidating for 2022" - Buchi George


Globe Chamber of Commerce which is established for the promotion and development of both local and international trade and investments has revealed that 2022 will be more of building and consolidation what they have previously put on ground.

With the organization championing joint trade between Nigeria, Asian and European countries, they believe that their previous achievements will be consolidated on to ensure that trade and investment between Nigeria and other nations of the world will be done with ease.

Speaking from his office in  Abuja, Nigeria, the chairman of Globe Chamber of Commerce, Hon. Buchi George said; “2021 has been eventful with events like Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Business Forum, Nigeria  Joint Trade Mission and others…..we look forward to consolidating on the relationships we have created with these events”

“Amongst these things, we are also looking at expanding to more countries in Africa, Europe and Asia where we have our bases and we’re also moving to other continents to ensure we promote Nigeria and Africa as a wonderful destination for business”, he said.

The Chairman appreciated the various Ministries and government and nongovernmental agencies they’ve worked with in 2021, adding that more will still have to be done in 2022.

"We appreciate our partners in both Nigeria and beyond, we look forward to doing more with them”, the Chairman said in gratitude.

Adding that his organization will do more with the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment; Federal Ministry of Foreign affairs;  Office of The Secretary to the Government of the Federation and other Nigerian based and International agencies to achieve a functional relationship that will boost both local and international trade between Nigeria, Africa and other countries.

“It is often a difficult task, but we have signed up to make the world see the endless potentials of Africa, especially Nigeria in global trade.”

“Globe Chamber of Commerce will continue to promote and develop the best ways for Nigeria and other African countries to do business with the rest of the world” he concluded.


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