Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Japan - Africa Economic and Investment Forum


The Japan - Africa Economic and Investment Forum is designed under the umbrella of Globe Chamber Of Commerce and Industry in partnership with Trade Nigeria.

The event will be based on improving exchange between nations, Deepening Investment Partnerships and furthermore edifying on the requirement for exchange.

 Africa is the world’s second largest and second most populous continent, comprising more than 54 countries. With a population of over 1 billion, it is attractive for any investor. Being successful in these markets requires insight into the languages, cultures, government bureaucracy, regulations, type of innovative technologies and workforce of each country. Everyone is different, and this makes it very difficult to use the same recipe for any two countries.  There may be similarities in the regions but inside information is still required.
If you consider culture to be an integrated pattern of human knowledge and beliefs, as well as a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize a group of people, then Africa is a continent with diverse culture. This should be seen as an opportunity for any investor.

The Japan - Africa Economic and Investment Forum is centered on business, investments, trade, economic exchange and cooperation. The event will be used to portray Africa and sell the Africa brand to the rest of the world.

Priority segments
At the Economic and investment forum, presentations on opportunities in top sectors will be given by senior officials in the respective Ministries and Departments.

A presentation on automobiles and capital goods will be given by the Department of Heavy Industries; pharmaceutical and medical equipment by the Department of Pharmaceuticals; electronics, IT and textiles by Ministry of Trade.

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