Thursday, July 15, 2021

Covid-19: African Leaders Should Take The Production Of Covid-19 Vaccine serious --AFDB


Dr Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) has urged African leaders to take the production of vaccines serious in a bid to increase access to vaccines for African citizens.

Dr Adesina disclosed this at the AfDB’s 2021 Annual meetings on Wednesday.

“Africa needs solutions to help it navigate through the very challenging times posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. But the rebound will depend on access to vaccines,” he said.


He added that the AfDB would support the continent as part of the vaccines plan of the African Union, through its intention to commit three billion dollars to develop the pharmaceutical industry in Africa, citing that Africa should not be begging for vaccines but producing vaccines.


“The G-7 Leaders’ summit last week gave the green light for allocating 100 billion dollars of SDRs to Africa. This will open the way for much-needed relief for Africa.

It will require that we mutualize our resources, avoid regional spillover effects, regionalize fiscal policy rules, develop homegrown reforms and debt-resolution approaches, and provide a regional safety net that will complement the global safety net of the International Monetary Fund,” he added.

The World Health Organization, alongside its COVAX vaccines partners, announced a plan to establish its first COVID mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub.

“Interested manufacturers from low- and middle-income countries can receive training and any necessary licenses to the technology. WHO and partners will bring in the production know-how, quality control and necessary licenses to a single entity to facilitate a broad and rapid technology transfer to multiple recipients,” WHO said


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