Friday, September 4, 2020

Nigeria - Turkey Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation : Taking A Dig!

Nigeria-Turkey Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021 is a yearly bilateral Business and Economic event aimed at enhancing joint Trade, Exportation, Investment and Economic opportunities between Nigeria and Turkey.

Each country's program will promote a lot of local and International Business, Investment opportunities, locally made goods, products and services, visitors, traders and Investors from both countries.

It will feature exhibition, conference, and networking program dedicated to offer the best business, Investment and trade Opportunities that will build wealth, support international networking, business development and economic exchange.


This project is a joint initiative of Trade Nigeria in partnership with Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Trade and Investment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Trade Summit & Expo Organization, Nigerian Embassy Turkey, States and Federal Government of Nigeria.



With Nigeria's growing economy as the leader of the Economic Community of West African states (ECOWAS) and a large population of over 180 million people, Nigeria is one of Turkey's largest Trade partners in Africa. In Africa, Nigeria is the sixth-largest commercial partner of Turkey and the second in Sub-Saharan African countries.


The Commercial relations between Turkey and Nigeria began to blossom with a trade agreement signed in Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria in 1982. The deal allowed Turkey to import cacao, cola nut, rubber, zinc, crude oil, coal, palm nut and tin stone while it enabled Nigeria to purchase construction materials, electronics goods as well as agricultural tools and machinery from Turkey.


To be continued.....

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