Friday, September 25, 2020

About Poland - Africa Economic Forum


Poland - Africa Economic Forum is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce to enhance trade, business, investment and economic opportunities between Africa and Poland.

The relationship between Africa and Poland over the years has been mutually beneficial guided by trust, respect and friendly relations.

Although  Africa and Poland business communities have recorded tremendous successes in bi-lateral trade, there is a large trade imbalance in favor of Poland as Poland exports represent some 80 per cent of the total bilateral trade volumes. This gap needs to be reduced.

Therefore, Poland - Africa Economic Forum is a forum that promotes mutual beneficial relationship in business transactions among Poland and Africa. This is projecting Africa not only as a consumer market alone, but as an investment destination where goods can be manufactured and consumed locally.

Poland - Africa Economic and Business Forum explore ways of practical cooperation in trade, investment, finance, human resources, agriculture, fishing, and also strengthen industrial capacity cooperation in the manufacture of cars, household appliances, construction materials, textiles, food processing, and others. This is in line with Trade Nigeria focused on Growing Africa's Economy.

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

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