Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Global Student Exchange Program Powered By Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Partnership with Trade Nigeria


It is time for Africans, most especially Nigerians to stop doing the same thing and expect a different result, especially in education  where there is a need to adopt and adapt innovative ways to aid the educational sector’s competition with developing counterparts.


The Global Student Exchange Program  is designed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Partnership with Trade Nigeria to give ample opportunity to students who want to ply their studies abroad.


Below are some ways the students’ exchange program will enrich the personal' as well as the academic life of participating students.

          1.      The Student Will Experience A Completely New Way Of Life

Studying abroad will allow you to experience different cultures and perspectives, including new traditions and customs and meeting new people. Fully embracing this new culture is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and experience unfamiliar situations.

Fully throwing yourself into this experience, for example taking part in local activities, trying the local food and making friends with a variety of people, will give you a better understanding and appreciation for the nation’s history and its people.

And as fun as studying in a new country is, it can feel overwhelming at times.

Studying in a new country means changing your habits and facing unfamiliar situations – which can be scary! This is especially true if you don’t know many people and are struggling with the language.

Use these challenges as a way to discover your strengths and your weaknesses. Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the things that makes the studying abroad experience so valuable.

It means in the future, when unexpected problems and difficulties arise, it’ll be easier for you to cope with them as you’ll have had some experience adapting to diverse situations.

        2 .      Studying Abroad Will Expand Student’s Employment Opportunities

Not only is studying abroad a great way to expand your perspective, but it can also boost your employability. In an increasingly globalized world, more and more employers are looking for students with international experience.

Why is this? Studying abroad shows employers that you can adapt quickly to changing situations and that you are a good problem solver. It also gives you a better understanding of different cultures, which is highly valued in the workplace – particularly in international companies.

Many students decide to stay in their host country once they’ve finished studying abroad. If you decide to do this, you’ll be sure to benefit from studying there and knowing the local customs.        


          3.     The Student Will Experience Different Styles Of Education

Studying at another university can be different to the style of teaching you’re used to, particularly if you’re studying abroad for the first time.

Use this as an opportunity to experience different methods of teaching and find out what type of learning works best for you. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in a new academic setting and see a side of your degree that you may not have seen before.

             4.     You Can Take The Opportunity To Learn A New Language

If you’ve ever wanted to learn a language, here’s your chance! Is there a better way to learn a language than by living in the country? Studying abroad gives you the chance to fully engage yourself in learning the language of your host country.

In addition to the considerable language practice you will get in day-to-day life, your host university might offer language courses, giving you a perfect blend of colloquial and formal language skills.

            5.     You Will Make New Friends From Around The World 

One of the main benefits of taking part in a student exchange program is all of the great friends you’ll make while you’re there. During your studies, you’ll meet a wide range of people from many different backgrounds – some of whom might become lifelong friends.              

It’ll also be beneficial to have friends in different countries after you graduate. Not only will you have an excuse to visit lots of different countries, but these people may also become an important network of business contacts later on in your career.  

        6.      It Will Make Subsequent Travelling Easy

When studying abroad, students often choose to travel to nearby countries. It’s a great opportunity to see parts of the world you might not have otherwise visited and the experience can teach you a lot about different cultures.

Visiting other countries can help change your worldview and give you an international outlook – something that is highly-sought after by employers.


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