Monday, January 31, 2022

Asia Economic and Investment Forum: Why Asia?


The Asia Economic and Investment Forum is a program designed by Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry to create a platform for business minds to explore ways of practical cooperation in trade, investment, finance, human resources, agriculture, and also strengthen industrial capacity cooperation in the manufacturing industries, household appliances, textiles, food processing , among others.

Why having such an event in Asia?

While the economies of most Asian countries can be characterized as developing, there is enormous variation among them. The continent contains one of the world’s most economically developed countries, Japan, and several that are impoverished, such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Nepal. This variation has a regional dimension. Most of the countries of Southwest Asia fall within one of the middle-income categories as defined by the World Bank. Exceptions are Israel and the Persian Gulf states of Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, which are considered high-income. Most of the countries of North and Central Asia fall within the low-income category, except Russia (Siberia), Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, all considered lower-middle-income. Likewise, all the countries of South Asia are considered low-income, apart from lower-middle-income Sri Lanka. Except for China and North Korea, which are considered low-income, East Asia is the most prosperous part of the continent. Most countries in this region are considered upper-middle-income, and Japan is considered high-income. China, which has experienced dramatic rates of economic growth since the late 20th century, may be poised to achieve lower-middle-income status. Many of the countries of Southeast Asia have likewise achieved high rates of growth and have moved into one of the middle-income categories or even, in the case of Singapore and Brunei, into the high-income category. Exceptions are Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, which remain within the low-income group.

The explanation for these varying degrees of development is complex and multifaceted. Before World War II, Japan was alone in Asia in having developed a domestically owned, financed, and managed industrial base. Other countries relied on the exchange of basic raw materials and commodities such as rubber, tea, and tin for industrial products, often supplied by Western colonial powers. Since then different countries have adopted different strategies to achieve economic development. From the 1950s through the ’70s, the continent’s two largest countries—India and China—both adopted policies of self-sufficiency and internal development, limiting the role of external trade and investment. During that period, countries also chose between socialism—i.e., relying on state ownership of economic enterprises as a pathway to development—and capitalist development based on private ownership. The contrasting success of these two economic systems can be seen nowhere better than in the Korean peninsula, where capitalist South Korea has achieved a relatively high level of prosperity, while socialist North Korea has experienced repeated famines and economic difficulties. The economic success of capitalist Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore was undoubtedly one of the reasons why China moved during the 1980s and ’90s from state socialism to increasing reliance on private ownership and capitalist economic relations, even though the Chinese Communist Party retained absolute political power.

Industrialization has provided the primary means of economic development. For some economies this has meant manufacturing consumer goods, such as electronics, footwear, or clothing, often as contractors for foreign firms. The countries that have experienced the most dramatic growth, however, such as South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, have provided state support for domestically owned firms, invested heavily in education, and moved from low-cost manufacturing to more advanced economic activities generating greater returns. For countries such as Saudi Arabia, other Persian Gulf states, and Brunei, growth has come from exploiting valuable petroleum and natural gas reserves—but in general these countries have found it hard to develop economic sectors independent of oil production for future sustainable growth.

Despite these changes, a majority of people in Asia are still engaged in agriculture, usually working small peasant holdings. In China and India, agriculture is still by far the biggest employer, though it provides a diminishing share of gross domestic product. The greatest poverty in these countries is thus usually found in rural areas. But the acceleration of urbanization since the mid-20th century has meant that increasing numbers of rural peasants are leaving the land for the cities.

The population shift from rural areas to the cities in Asia is an unprecedented migration. In China, systems of residential permits aim to control the flow, but many peasants move to Chinese cities even without official permits. In Indonesia, by contrast, there is effectively no control, although there are policies to try to diffuse the location of new industrial employment. As industry has become increasingly mechanized, it has often not provided much proportional growth in employment. It is the service sectors of the expanding cities that have shown the fastest growth in employment in recent years. In the poorer countries much of the employment growth is in what is known as the informal sector—a term referring to small, often family-owned businesses operating outside state regulation or control and mainly engaged in petty services or petty manufacturing.

To date, increases in food production have allowed most countries to feed their growing populations, but the balance between population growth and food supply has been delicate. The dominant methods by which the major grain crops are produced remain labour-intensive. Crop yields vary greatly throughout Asia. For example, rice production per acre in Bangladesh is about half that of South Korea. Only about one-fifth of Asia’s land is arable, and it has been increasingly difficult to expand production by extending the amount of cultivated land, although in some areas, such as western Indonesia, forest has continued to be cleared for colonization. In most tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, cropping intensity has risen—i.e., arable land increasingly has been cultivated for more than one crop (and in some areas, such as Bangladesh, sometimes even three crops) each year. Major efforts to increase production have occurred through the so-called Green Revolution, which involved introducing hybrid seed strains that have been responsive to chemical fertilizers. This technology has required controlled water supplies and has led to increases in irrigation and the use of pesticides. Mechanization has been important for some crops, such as wheat and corn (maize), but in general it has not been so important for rice growing. It is thought that a more significant barrier to further agricultural development has been the uneven distribution of land. This problem has been particularly acute in the poorer countries of Asia. While governments have made concerted efforts to produce workable land-reform programs, progress has been slow; this has been particularly conspicuous in the Indian subcontinent and the Philippines. In the socialist countries, land reform was attempted through collectivization, but in general land has been given back to peasants to farm individually. Anxiety that the growth potential of the Green Revolution has been slackening has contributed to arguments for introducing genetically modified organisms. Asian countries, however, have responded cautiously to such proposals.

Asian economic interdependence grew significantly during the late 20th century as a product of trade, investment, and better access to information. Japanese investment has dominated much of East and Southeast Asia. Formal organization of the regional economy remains relatively weak, although the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has worked reasonably well. For most of these countries, however, trade with other Southeast Asian countries has grown less quickly than trade with Japan. In 1995 the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation proclaimed a South Asian Free Trade Area as one of its policy goals, but such a zone has not yet been realized. The Persian Gulf countries have sometimes achieved sufficient unity to act together through the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC; which includes non-Asian members) to control oil prices, but otherwise there has been little regional integration in Southwest Asia. Siberia, the Asian portion of Russia, suffered after the collapse of Soviet central planning in the early 1990s, and the Russian central government subsequently abandoned the region to manage on its own. The remote location and fierce climate have discouraged private investors from trying to exploit much of Siberia’s vast mineral and timber resources, except for the heavily developed petroleum and gas deposits of western Siberia.

  The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Frequent Misinterpretation About Entrepreneurship


This pursuit of happiness is leading many people along the path of organizing, managing, and assuming the risks of a business (entrepreneurship).

However, because Entrepreneurship as a term encompasses many different personalities, businesses and opinions; there are quite a few misinterpretation about what exactly it means.

So lets take a dig, to highlight and addressing some misinterpretations about entrepreneurship.

Anyone Can Be An Entrepreneur

Hypothetically speaking, yes anybody can pursue entrepreneurship, but quite honestly, not everyone should because not everyone can be a successful entrepreneur.

Becoming an entrepreneur has less to do with what you know or what your experiences are, and everything to do with the willingness to do the work required to succeed, the keyword here is willingness. The narrative that “anyone can be an entrepreneur” is inspirational but sometimes quite harmful due to societal pressure.

Although a lot of people have the skills to be entrepreneurs in their respective fields, a majority of them just aren’t cut out for the tedious and somewhat risky journey of entrepreneurship and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as they apply themselves through other means. It is important to stick to whatever brings the best out of you.

Entrepreneurship Is An Easy Way To Get Rich

This usually goes hand in hand with the misconception that all you need is a great idea. Entrepreneurship can be seen as a wealth-building process, if the variables involved line up to aid success.

However, the money that stands to be made cannot be made the focus or seen as ‘easy’ because it usually takes a lot of dedicated time and effort before entrepreneurs reap the fruits of their labour.

Entrepreneurs who are solely driven by profit are a lot more likely to fail and entrepreneurs who do succeed are focused on adding value to the world. They want to make a difference in people’s lives by satisfying one or more of their innate needs.


Entrepreneurs Are Born That Way

One of the biggest misconceptions is that entrepreneurs are “born that way”, usually referring to certain skills they have or the innate need to start a company.

It is true that some people are born with traits that aid their entrepreneurship exploits like being good at public speaking or having a natural inclination for planning but in reality, these natural traits still need to be practiced and it’s possible to acquire the necessary skills to become a successful entrepreneur regardless of what you are born with.

Moreover, the deep-seated psychological need to build a business which people think entrepreneurs are born with, doesn’t necessarily arrive at birth. This drive could easily arise due to a developed passion or circumstances people face in their lives.

Entrepreneurs are not born, they are honed and groomed through determination and diligent work (whether that ‘work’ was initially intended for entrepreneurship or not). Great entrepreneurs are made through nurture, not through nature.

Entrepreneurship Means More Personal Time

It’s true that entrepreneurial success usually gives people the liberty to dictate their own hours and spend more time doing what they want i.e. more personal time. However, what a lot of entrepreneurs would refer to as ‘personal time’ is usually heavily related to their work.

If you listen carefully to entrepreneurs when they talk about themselves and what they do, you’ll realize their concept of ‘who they are’ is tightly intertwined with ‘what they do’. Their work becomes an obsession that they struggle to turn off for ‘personal time’.

Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, artists and athletes have this ‘obsession’ and when countless hours of work stop feeling like hours of work, the distinction between work time and personal time becomes quite blurred.

All You Need Is A Great Idea To Be Successful

Yes, a great idea is usually the foundation of a profitable and sustainable business. But, understand, even the best ideas can end up failing if they aren’t properly supported.

Great ideas are fantastic but execution is by far more important. Quite fascinating, mediocre ideas are profitable if executed properly. Please note that there are no million naira ideas, just million naira executions.


Friday, January 28, 2022

Her Trade Support Program with Global Farming Funds on Children Education powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and supported by Trade Nigeria


Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development.....

Empowering them is key not only to the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also to overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce worldwide.

Her Trade Supports Program supports the leadership and participation of rural women in shaping laws, strategies, policies and programs on all issues that affect their lives, including improved food and nutrition security, and better rural livelihoods.

 It aims to empower rural women to claim their rights to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, and to participate in shaping laws, policies and programs.

Evidence shows that this spurs productivity gains, enhanced growth and improved development prospects for current and future generations.

This initiative also engages with governments to develop and implement laws and policies that promote equal rights, opportunities and participation so that rural women can benefit from trade and finance, market their goods and make a strong contribution to inclusive economic growth.

This edition of the program will also focus on "Zero illiteracy" a support call for less privileged Children Education, EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN.

While supporting rural economy, the program will beam light on giving Education to underprivileged children, mostly in the suburbs and rural settlement.


Her Trade Support Program is an exponential way of empowering rural women, children and the rural economy at large.

When you empower a woman, you have empowered a generation, that is why Trade Nigeria is using "Her Trade Support Program" as part of its CSR project to build a productive generation by empowering the rural woman.


For information or enquiry about " Her Trade Support Program" kindly call or visit any of Trade Nigeria's offices:



Edu House, Suite 5-05, Fifth floor,

Central Business District, Abuja.





Rivers State

#6, Omerelu street, GRA Phase 1,

Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.




Thursday, January 27, 2022

About Australia-Africa Economic Forum


The Australia-Africa Economic Forum is organized to enhance business relations between Australia and Africa, and the both are working together to advance the mutual benefit of the two continents. The event holds a reputation for its provision of valuable up-to-date information on trading and investing in Africa.

According to a joint submission to the senate standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade inquiry into Australia's trade and Investment relationships with African countries, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (AUSTRADE) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian companies has to increase trade engagements with Africa. Hence, the Australian Government is committed to a long term ties of friendship and cooperation with the countries of Africa and is acknowledged as a valued partner.

Africa has been described to be the frontier of the global economy and Australia’s business and investment interests in Africa are worth over tens of billions of dollars. It’s not just about the resources sector either-Australian involvement in African economies in increasingly reaching into other areas including education, health and the arts.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be organizing the Australia-Africa Economic Forum. It will be done in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Nigeria) and Austrade, DFAT and state governments of Australia to identify and promote business opportunities and also advocate for a predictable market-oriented operating environment. 

It will be a public private Joint partnership for the purpose of business growth and development between countries in both continents with emphasis on Foreign Direct Investment, project development, Trade, Investment that will bring about an increase in the African Economy.

Participants and Businesses that will get involve will have the opportunity to raise their business profiles, they will also be exposed to knowledge sharing between both continents and meet with potential international business partners for both Governments, the Economic Forum has the following advantages:

·        Strengthening government-to-government engagement

·        Expanding economic diplomacy 

·        Fostering stronger private sector linkages 

·        Addressing business risk factors in Africa and Australia

The event will be held in Sydney, Australia and since advance discussions and planning are ongoing, the date and venue  will be communicated across in due course.

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of commerce and  Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Nigeria - France Economic and Investment Forum 2022: An event that will create partnership and strengthened ties - Buchi George

The Trade Nigeria Organization Chairman, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George who has been making waves when it comes to strategic partnership between nations, said partnership is one major way out of the damage done by the pandemic and he went further to announced the Nigeria – France Economic and Investment Forum 2022.

Speaking with some media reporters in Abuja yesterday the trade gaffer stated that the Nigeria – France Economic and Investment Forum 2022 is a strategically planned event targeted at drawing master-plans, investments and other strategies between Europe and Africa.


Hon. Buchi George who is the Chairman of Trade Nigeria Organization said the partnership with France will ensure that the dividends of the program are highly felt by both nations.

“What we are looking at is to figure out countries who have gotten it right in areas we are still working on. We look at what they have as well as what we can contribute to them and that is how it will begin” he added.

"There are always things we can offer each other and for us at Trade Nigeria Organization, we believed the best way to get things done is through planning and partnership among ourselves and nations of other continents”

With Nigeria-France Economic and Investment Forum billed for this year, 2022, Hon. Buchi George said, one key thing about the success of any event has always begin a plan in the midst of the unusual standard. He further stated that the damage done on the global economy by the pandemic is obvious for every nation to see, adding that what they have is a recovery plan for Nigeria and other African nations.

“Normally these plans are what will enable us to grow, but we will be using them to heal from the pandemic. It has been a very tough time for nations around the world, but if we all can come together to share ideas, Africa and the entire world will bounce back within a short time” he concluded.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Turkey - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022, Ankara, Turkey



It is becoming more evident that Africa is a realm of opportunity, one that is being shaped by and for the people Africa.


The Turkey - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022 which is designed to be held in Ankara, Turkey, will see top organizations, industries and manufacturers sync for the purpose of exploring partnership for the success and growth of their businesses.


The event will help attendees recognize and understand Africa as an opportunity base, rather than a continent of threats, civil disobedience and lawlessness. Africa is a continent blessed with natural resources and human capital, strategically positioned to impact positively to the world.


According to the Chairman of Globe Chamber of commerce and industry Hon. Buchi George, “Africa is a continent with strong economic growth in many regions and rapidly growing population. Africa is set to play a large economic and political role in the world

Adding that although the pandemic has maligned economic activities around the world, the Turkey -Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022 will be part of his organization’s plan to get economy of participating nations back on track and ensuring international economic relationships can come alive again”


The Turkey - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022 is designed for Ankara, Turkey.

"Ankara is a city in Turkey, and the country's second largest city after Istanbul. Ankara is a thriving business destination and because it is so centrally located, it becomes very easy for tourists to shuttle between cities, keeping Ankara as the base due to its efficient transport systems. but do not think it's only a city for corporate activities,  the city itself has some interesting site", he added.

He further stated, that every nation of the world has something to offer each other and with Turkey economically bonding with Africa to establish a union that will see industries, ideas and technologies cross borders, a brand new light will shine on Africa again.


Turkey-Africa Economic and Investment Forum has been scheduled to hold from  17th to 20th of March, 2022 in Ankara, Turkey, while the organization is looking forward to so much more, having suspended other events as a result of the pandemic across the world.


Globe Chamber of Commerce which is established for the promotion and development of both local and international trade is on the frontline, alerting the international business community of endless potentials in Africa.


The event will be co-sponsored by Globe Chamber Of Commerce in partnership the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria and lot more.

Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo, Cyprus 2022, powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is committed to taking the Real Estate Sector to the next level according to Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, Chairman of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The organization which is committed to providing quality business services and trade transactions to business people globally, is also into capacity building and Real estate, and they are ensuring that practitioners in the sector are brought to speed with the latest trends in the Real estate business.

In a brief with our media handle, the Chairman of the organization said, they are not just into the business to make money, but to make changes.

The Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI) is an organization with the aim of fostering global business, Investment, Trade, commerce and Economic exchange. GCCI organizes and supports initiatives and projects promoting international business, trade talk, global investment, and humanitarian goals.

Globe Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Trade Nigeria are coming up with ‘Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo 2022’, it’s an event where global top players in the real estate business converge. The event will offer participants the opportunity to gain knowledge from top sellers and dealers in the real estate business, network and gain partnership with other realtors.

Another similar but concurrent event is the ‘Nigeria Property Expo 2022’ where participants are expected to be drawn from real estate experts, buyers, sellers, developers, investors, professionals, government authorities and regulatory bodies in the real estate sector.

According to the Chairman of the organization, the event which is tagged ‘Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo 2022’, will be held in Cyprus and will showcase the best of the real estate industry in the globe.  The Expo will also provide platforms for exhibitions and expertise consultation area for one-on-one meetings with participants and an onsite expanded workshop series for small groups.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Poland - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2022


Poland - Africa Economic Forum is part of the effort of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry to strengthen trade between Africa and other country as well as other continents.

The event which is scheduled for 2022 will be joining other plans set aside by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the year 2022.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the Chairman of the organization said Poland and Africa will have a lot to offer each other, “We can learn, trade and share both technologies and strategies to make both nations better”

“It is a joint trade mission, state visit, business delegation of industry, investment and commerce to Poland. While over there, our people have a lot to learn from how they have been pulling through, and I believe it will be a wonderful experience” the Chairman added.

Poland - Africa Economic Forum joins the list of other events like France - Africa Economic Forum and Malta - Africa Business Forum and others halted by the effects of the pandemic.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George said; “2021 was maligned with the pandemic for business owners, but we believe the world will get over this pandemic. We’re making plans to make it easier, since one thing that has always solved trade problems is international collaborations”

Poland - Africa Economic Forum is simply one the numerous business collaboration platforms we can create as a quick recovery plan for Africans and other nations of the world” he added.

The event has been scheduled for 2022 and with no specific date set, Hon. Buchi George added that “things will become clearer as we move on”

About Nigeria – Morocco Trade Mission and Business Delegation of Industry, Agriculture, Mines, Investment and Commerce 2022


In a bid to look inwards Trade Nigeria has set focus on Africa development with plans to host Nigeria – Morocco Trade mission and business delegation of Industry, Agriculture, mines, investment and commerce, Rabat, Morocco from the 20th to 22nd of April 2022.


The organization strongly believes that trade between African nations and the Africans in Diaspora is essential for mutual growth and development. Nations on the African continent are for the most part well-endowed with natural resources. On the other hand, they often lack the capital, technological and professional capacity to add value to their own natural resources.


 African nations that produce high quality merchandise find that international markets are often reluctant to buy products made by Africans.


The Nigeria – Morocco Trade mission is a unique chance for private sector companies to prioritized commercial opportunities, meet with individuals, business executives, business moguls and other relevant local stakeholders in the business enclave and receive expertise advice to ensure their business success and partner for long-lasting business relationships.

The trade mission will also set great opportunity for Africans in Diaspora to trade with African nations for mutual benefit and to further promote economic linkage between Africa and the Africans in Diaspora.


The Nigeria – Morocco Trade Mission is not only designed for African Diaspora businesses and investors but all businesses and investors that go to African nations with mutually beneficial motives.


The Nigeria – Morocco Trade missions to Morocco is organized by Trade Nigeria in partnership with Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and lot more…

Friday, January 21, 2022

Malta To Host The Next Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry event


The Malta will host Africa Economic and Investment Forum which is a Trade Mission and Business Delegation of Industries Investment and Commerce in September 2022.


The event which will be powered by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry in partnership with Trade Nigeria is billed for 26th to 30th of September 2022, in Valletta.


The organizers said the event is one of the ways they keep connecting Africa with other countries and continents of the world, adding that if Africa should get their economy right there has to be very strong bilateral and multilateral trade relationships with key nations around the world.


According to the chairman of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George “what they are doing is not new as it is what they have been doing but this time with a different approach”.


He said that as times change, smart organizations will have to think out of the box to solve the problems ahead of them and that is exactly what they are doing.


“We want to see Africa’s economic challenges as ours. We want to think out a solution as if our lives depends on it and of truth it does depend on it”


“Africa is our only home and we will remain committed to getting a lot of things right. We are always working with relevant agencies to ensure we are in line with the visions of other countries in the continent but most importantly, we look for ways to solve problems and make other countries understand what Africa is about”, he added.


The event scheduled for Valletta, Malta will be featuring Business and Multilateral trade; Bilateral G2G/B2B/B2C meetings; foreign direct investment; export promotion; bilateral trade partnership; business and investment forum and many more.


The Chairman further revealed that he will be looking forward to seeing direct investment and partnerships as immediate turnovers after the event.


And he further added that both Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Trade Nigeria will promote Africa’s great trade and investment potentials across the globe at all times.


Nigeria Bilateral Economic Forum 2022: An event that will cut across agriculture, technology, healthcare, real estate and more......


The Nigeria Bilateral Economic Forum is expected to be a multi-sectoral business and economic promotion event powered by Trade Nigeria.

In a statement from the organization’s handle, the event will be cutting across agriculture, technology, real estate, education, healthcare and much more. The event is expected to boost these sectors by creating a platform for Nigerian practitioners to network with their counterparts in other countries.

The statement has it that the event will also cover the mining sector with much emphasis on boosting investment in the listed sectors.

Nigeria Bilateral Economic Forum as the event has been tagged, will also showcase Nigeria’s might in the listed sectors.

 “While we want to attract investments and also help our people learn the best ways they can improve our economy, we want to also show our partners that we are not empty-handed. They need to know we also have what it takes to make investments blossom” According to The chairman of Trade Nigeria, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, a renown trade expert and executive.

 “The event will be a special one based on the arrangements we are making with all relevant agencies. We want to cover a great deal of agriculture, technology, mining, and minerals, as well as healthcare, housing and real estate” he concluded.

The event will be jointly powered by Trade Nigeria and Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


For Enquiries, please call or visit any of Trade Nigeria Offices:


Edo - house, suite 5-05, fifth floor, central business district,







#6 Omerelu street, GRA Phase 1, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


