Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Sad Day! John McAfee, the McAfee antivirus software entrepreneur, apparently commits suicide in his Spanish Cell.

75 years old, John McAfee

According to reports, the antivirus software creator, John McAfee has apparently committed suicide and was found dead in his Spanish cell.

This report was confirmed by Catalan’s regional police force, the Mossos d’Esquadra, in a statement.

This was hours after the country’s highest court approved his extradition to the United States, where he was wanted on tax-related criminal offence that carry a prison sentence of about 30years.

According to the report, McAfee, was found dead in a prison near Barcelona, late on Wednesday.

The Catalan justice department said that prison officers and medics had tried to save the life of a 75-year-old man but had been unsuccessful.

Judicial staff have been dispatched to the prison and are investigating the causes of death. Everything points to death by suicide,” the statement confirmed.


McAfee’s lawyer also confirmed the alleged suicide when he told Reuters on Wednesday evening that McAfee had apparently hanged himself in his prison cell.


On the 23rdof June, Wednesday, 2021, although the decision could be appealed and the extradition would have had to be approved by the Spanish cabinet, Spain’s highest court approved McAfee’s extradition to the United States

The court agrees to grant the extradition of John David McAfee, 75, as requested by the American judicial authorities for the crimes referred to in the tax offence indictments for years 2016 to 2018,” as ascribed in the 16-page ruling.

The McAfee antivirus software entrepreneur was arrested last October at Barcelona International Airport as he was about to board a flight to Istanbul.

The arrest of McAfee antivirus software creator came a day after authorities made public, a US indictment stemming from alleged tax offences. Tennessee prosecutors had charged McAfee with evading taxes after failing to report income made from promoting crypto currencies while he did consultancy work, as well as income from speaking engagements and selling the rights to his life story for a documentary.


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