Tuesday, October 27, 2020

About Globe Chamber of Commerce, Germany.


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Germany is an International Trade Organization that is an independent, non-political organization that is out to promote global trade, investment, bilateral trade partnership and trade ties, economic exchange and trade cooperation.

According to the Chairman of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, one of the aims of Globe Chamber of Commerce is to ensure economic stability ranging from the small and medium businesses to large scale business. Our organization’s policies recognize that the strength of any society, as a whole will ultimately depend on the progress of each and every part of that society.

“As we seek to work closely with a broad range of partners which includes government, organization leaders, international development agencies and others in the widest possible range of sectors and areas, Globe Chamber of Commerce is deeply committed to the principles that support fairness, economic growth, industrialization and making productive the population of a country”, he added.

“As we look forward to the promises of tomorrow, we also realize that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step and that each success we achieve will contribute to future progress”, he concluded. 

                            The Chairman, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George

There is no doubt that commerce and trade is the fastest means of lifting millions of people out of poverty. And giving business community a platform that can promote and protect their businesses is a huge relief in the business world.

The Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Germany is dedicated to protecting and promoting the interest of the business community in Germany. This will be achieved through the Chamber’s: 

  • Trade and Investment promotion programmes both Locally and Internationally.
  • Trade Exhibitions, Expos, Fairs, Conferences, Conventions, Summit and Forum.
  • Advisory services to businesses across all sectors of the economy.


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