Friday, October 30, 2020

Globe Chamber of Commerce: The Importance of Trade Exchange.

Trade Exchange can be defined as a community or association of businesses trading goods and services using mutual credit outside of the cash economy. Although the concept of barter is thousands of years old, bartering through a trade exchange combines modern technology, a community of businesses, and marketing channels to increase profits through new customers and improved cash flow.

In addition, Trade exchange is a form of barter network which consists of several businesses, usually formed by one central “master” business. These businesses trade with one another using interest-free credit accounts, rather than their actual capital. For instance, a mechanic might “purchase” tools from one supplier in the network; this supplier then uses the credit received from the mechanic to “pay off” other transactions they’re undertaking.

The credit used in a trade exchange functions almost as a private currency acceptable only within the exchange itself. This can be liberating for businesses, as they’re no longer constrained by the cash they have on hand or their ability to secure a loan.

By belonging to a trade exchange businesses one can realize the true value of their assets and inventory while also securing useful business from other exchange members. Most importantly, this places no additional financial strain on the business, which can be vital for small traders that operate from one invoice to the next. It’s also a powerful tool for businesses that are growing quickly, and need to plough every last pound into expansion – any assets they can secure through trade rather than capital expenditure means more money to invest in growth.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry as an elite trade organization creates trade mix, business networking scene and other trade defining programs, all of which creates an avenue for Trade exchange.

The Elite organization believes that trade exchange has become a powerful tool in promoting modern day businesses. Hence, with the advent of new technology to facilitate quick and easy trading, trade exchanges have become the frontline in the business space.

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of  Globe Chamber of Commerce and Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

How Technology Has Impacted Positively on Education.


Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life today, and education is no exception. In some ways, education seems much the same as it has been for many years.

Technology has profoundly changed education. For one, technology has greatly expanded access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only an elite few had access to educational opportunities. Individuals had to travel to centers of learning to get an education.

Today, massive amounts of information are available at one’s fingertips through the Internet, and opportunities for formal learning are available online worldwide through the podcasts, traditional online degree programs, and more. Access to learning opportunities today is unprecedented in scope thanks to technology.

Opportunities for communication and collaboration have also been expanded by technology.

Traditionally, classrooms have been relatively isolated, and collaboration has been limited to other students in the same classroom or building. Today, technology enables forms of communication and collaboration undreamt of in the past. Students in a classroom in the rural countries, for example, can learn about the Arctic by following the expedition of a team of scientists in the region, read scientists’ blog posting, view photos, e-mail questions to the scientists, and even talk live with the scientists via a video conference.

Students can share what they are learning with students in other classrooms in other states who are tracking the same expedition. Students can collaborate on group projects using technology-based tools such as wikis and Google docs. The walls of the classrooms are no longer a barrier as technology enables new ways of learning, communicating, and working collaboratively.

Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for people to learn and work together.

With the worldwide reach of the Internet and the ubiquity of smart devices that can connect to it, a new age of anytime anywhere education is dawning. It will be up to instructional designers and educational technologies to make the most of the opportunities provided by technology to change education so that effective and efficient education is available to everyone everywhere.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry Advancing the Nigerian Economy through Trade



Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the objective of advancing the Nigerian economy through trade, and is currently one of the largest business organizations in Nigeria, also representing the interests of Nigerian global traders.

It serves a diverse range of roles including:

-Providing hands-on support to trade companies,
-Drawing trade cooperation from the private sector,
-Formulating new trade strategies,
-Nurturing trade professionals and
-Building trade infrastructure.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has consolidated its position as a leading business 
organization dedicated to assisting SMEs in gaining foreign market entry and has actively contributed towards Nigerian's recent achievement in trade volume.

The Organization has laid a foundation for economic growth by setting policy directions in trade, as well as developing the national trade infrastructure.

Our Goal
Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry goal is to contribute to the development of the national economy as a private economic organization through advocacy of the Nigerian trade industry's rights and interests, and thereby facilitating global trade.

Five Key Objectives

• Propose suggestions and related policy improvements to the government for protecting the rights and interests of its member companies.
• Develop new foreign markets and enhance private sector trade.
• Organize world-class exhibitions.
• Foster global trade professionals.
• Conduct investigations and studies for increasing national competitiveness.

This platform manages global information networks to mediate business transactions and to provide the most useful trade information.

Wealth Creation: Seize Every Opportunity and Make Each Day Counts!


In today’s world there are logins, passwords and OTPs for literally everything to do with life. The world of finance is becoming more reserved for valid reasons; the most common reason is that wealth is an extremely personal topic. Trusting others is not easy, eventually avoiding discussions on money and wealth. We often reach a stage where we do not even discuss it with our family; talking openly with friends and colleagues is rare these days.

Just like personal life, there are different phases in financial life too. Most personal life emotions such as excitement, happiness, anxiety, fear exist in financial life also. In personal life, we discuss these phases with others to express ourselves, get solace and resolve issues; doing the same in case of personal finance is equally important. There are many who are doing well with their finances and may need the right motivation to take it ahead, again there are those who are fighting the battle of financial stress on their own and appear exhausted. One way to make this perceived complex topic of finance simple is to have relevant discussions.

According to research, we are living in one of the greatest age in all of human history. There have never been more opportunities for wealth creation than exists today, and for you to achieve more of your goals, both personal and financial, you must plan strategically. There are more than 100,000 different opportunities, and with the explosion in information, technology and competition, the number of possible things that you could do to be successful is expanding every year.

Wealth creation is ultimately the process of creating and building a stable source of sustenance so that one would not have to struggle to make ends meet. In other words, one can live the aspirations.
An individual’s smart and rationale financial decisions determine the value of wealth that he or she wheels.

To overcome the fears of financial distress, it’s important to start with the basics and work your way up. So, what is wealth creation exactly? It’s the steady and consistent accumulation of income and assets over a period of time.

Building wealth is something that everyone wishes to do throughout their life. However, very few people actually prioritize it.

To create your path to wealth, you must start by developing a savings plan that is realistic and attainable. For example, this should include:

  • Specific personal and professional goals
  • Short-term and long-term budgeting objectives
  • Plans to eliminate debt
  • Retirement targets and investing strategies

This general list is the perfect starting point in assessing your future. In addition, start with smaller goals that build up to long-term success. Cross one goal off your list at a time and stick to your plan. It’s important to adjust along the way, but remain focused on your initiatives to build wealth.

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of  Globe Chamber of Commerce and Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Why Flexibility is essential in achieving success in your Business


Businesses that stay stuck in their own ways and don’t adapt to changes in technology, the economy or the desires of the public are more likely to fail, but Businesses that adapt to changes, however, are more likely to succeed. Your business strategy should change over the years and becoming more flexible is something which can help deliver results.

Flexibility within the workplace is important too. Employees need to feel valued and creating a company culture that offers flexible working can go a long way in retaining your top talent. Happy employees who are able to work hours that suit not just your business but them too, will naturally want to help your organization succeed.

Additionally, with the modern day advances in technology, people can accomplish a lot by remote working and don’t necessarily have to be shackled to a desk. It’s also important to have managers that can see when something isn’t working. Rigid management doesn’t work for anybody and those in senior roles should be able to adapt and make changes internally that can create a more productive team.

Technology moves and advances so fast, but it’s important to keep up as best as you can. A website is usually the first glimpse of your business that someone will encounter, so it needs to be modern and updated regularly. Newsletters, blogs, apps, social media, among others are useful tools in engaging with your customer base.

People are always online whether it’s on a computer or on their Smartphone, so it’s important to stay connected and to remind people of what your organization offers, or you risk rival companies gaining their business instead. Being flexible to changes in technology is just one of many ways to keep up with the demand for convenience and immediate information.

Think of changes as an opportunity to tweak your business strategy for success. If you’re flexible, you’re ready for whatever challenges arise. Smaller organizations can actually be in a better position than much larger organizations to be flexible, since there are less people involved to make decisions. It means you can adapt rapidly and stay ahead of the competition.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle....


To live a healthier life you will most likely need to make some adjustments in a wide variety of areas. Being "healthy" is based on many things including: your genetics, diet, exercise routine and lifestyle choices. Since you cannot control your genes, making changes to items you have control over can help lead to a healthier lifestyle. Focus on making small changes to your diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors to help make you healthier.

Below are some tips that will make you live a healthier lifestyle:

Regular Checkups: (an appointment with your doctors). 

One key to improving your health and maintaining it is regular doctor visits. These health care professionals will help support your desire for a healthier life. They'll also be able to tell you if you need to start or stop anything in order to have a healthier life.

·   Visit your primary care physician. Talk to him about your current health condition and if there is anything they'd recommend to help you live a healthier life.

·   Also visit your dentist. It's typically recommended to go twice a year just for a checkup. This is another important visit you shouldn't overlook.

·   Visit any other doctors you may need. 


Ensure you Check Your Weight Regularly. 

There are a few ways to check on your health status without a doctor. Measuring your weight and overall size can give you some insight into whether or not your body is healthy as well.

·   Weigh yourself. Note your weight and compare it with national standards for ideal body weight. This will tell you if you're close to a healthy weight or should consider weight loss.

·   Measure your waist circumference. Another way to interpret your weight and health is by measuring your waist circumference. A large waist may mean you have a high amount of visceral fat which could be dangerous to your health.  Men should have a waist circumference less than 40" and women should be less than 35".

·   Also figure out your BMI with an online calculator. Again, this is just an additional method of letting you know whether or not you're at a healthy weight.

·   If many of these measurements are too high and you feel you might be overweight or carrying too much weight, this can be a part of your life you work on so you can be healthier.


Build A Support Group. 

A support group is a great part of a healthier lifestyle. They not only can provide support for your goals but also are a support to your mental and emotional well-being.

·   A big part of a healthier life that often gets overlooked is your mental and emotional health. A support group doesn't have to just be there to cheer you on, but be a good friend.

·   Ask friends, family members or co-workers to join you on certain goals. Maybe others want to lose weight, eat healthier or exercise more.

·   Studies show that those people who have a support group are more likely to meet their long-term goals.

Eat Reasonably and Mindfully.

 Mindful eating is a way of eating that helps you bring more attention and focus to how you eat.  Mindful eating is important to a healthier life as it helps you enjoy eating. If you're aiming to live a healthier life, it's not about avoiding every unhealthy food or working out every day. It's about moderation that works for you.


·   People who eat mindfully typically eat less, have an easier time losing weight and get more satisfaction out of their meals.

·   Eating mindfully involves a variety of things. To start, turn off all electronics (like your phone or TV) and remove any other distractions. You need to be able to fully focus on your meal.

·   When you're eating pay attention to how your food looks, how it tastes, the textures and temperatures. Really concentrate on each bite.

·   Also take at least 20-30 minutes to eat your meal. When you take your time with your meal, you may end up eating less and enjoy your meal more.

·   Many health professionals suggest a common rule known as the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of the time you choose healthy activities or things that will promote a healthier life. 20% of the time you can choose something a little less healthy (like sleeping in instead of your morning workout or having an extra glass of wine).

·   When you first start on your goals towards living a healthier life, make sure to include treats and fun things that might not necessarily be considered "healthy." These things will support your mental and emotional health.


Maintain A Balanced Diet. 

A well-balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Eating well is important to help you live a healthier life.

·   When you eat a well-balanced diet you're able to consume all the recommended nutrients your body needs. You’re less at risk for nutrient deficiencies and other side effects of a poor quality diet. You will feel and be healthier.

·   A well-balanced diet is one that includes all five food groups each day. In addition, it’s a diet that features a wide variety of food. Don't eat the same few foods each day. This limits your ability to eat a wide variety of nutrients.


Drink More Water.

Make a conscious effort to drink more water. Being adequately hydrated is essential to living a healthier life.

·   When you're dehydrated you may experience a variety of side effects that may not only affect your health, but how you're feeling as well.

·   When you're dehydrated you may have chronic headaches, fatigue and afternoon fogginess.

·   Aim for about eight to 13 glasses of clear, hydrating fluids each day. This amount will vary based upon your age, gender and activity level.

·   Drinks that can count towards water include: water, flavored waters, decaf coffee and decaf tea. Keep in mind that sports drinks often contain a lot of sugar, and should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.


Limit Alcohol Intake. 

Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to weight gain or a weight stall and also have negative effects of your overall health.

·   Health professionals typically recommend that women consume no more than one alcoholic beverage daily and men consume no more than two alcoholic beverages daily.

·   Limit these even further than the recommendations to help support your desire to lose weight and be slimmer. Alcohol provides only calories, no nutrition.

·   Typically one serving of alcohol is 4-oz of wine, 2-oz of liquor or one 12-oz beer.


Boost Your Serotonin Levels Naturally. 

Serotonin (“the happiness hormone”) regulates mood, sleep, memory, and appetite. You can increase the serotonin levels in your brain by eating vegetables and seeds with a high tryptophan to protein ratio. This is because serotonin is synthesized by tryptophan, an essential amino acid that comes from protein in food.

·   Tryptophan cannot cross the blood-brain-barrier when there is too much Large Natural Amino Acid (LNAA) in your blood plasma.

·   The carbohydrates in seeds (and vegetables) cause an insulin-mediated reduction of LNAA in your blood plasma, such that more tryptophan can enter the brain where it will produce more serotonin.

·   The best ingredients are seeds like sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, butternut squash seeds. But don’t roast them, because this lowers their effect.

·   Tryptophan-rich animal products (like chicken, milk, and cheese) will not increase the serotonin levels in your brain. If any, they will have an adverse effect. This is because the carbohydrates in animal products don’t lower the LNAA levels in your blood plasma.


Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is an important component of a healthier lifestyle. However, if you do not enjoy the type of exercise you do this can work against your goal of living a healthier life.

·   Find an exercise routine that you truly enjoy. This will also help support your mental and emotional health. Exercise should feel rejuvenating and enjoyable.

·   Make a work out mix that you listen to only when you are working out. Every time you switch on the mix your body will get into the pattern of knowing it's time to work out!

·   Find exercises you enjoy: walking, cycling, yoga, ballet — just make sure you are exercising consistently. Peruse your local free library for any workout DVDs or reading material. There is a plethora of information on the internet.

·   Find a buddy to workout with. You can teach each other your favorite exercises, as well as motivate each other to go during a lazy spell.  Also, there's nothing wrong with a little competition!

·   When doing moderate-intensity cardio, you should be able to talk, but not, say, sing a song. You should break a sweat and your heart rate should be at 50 – 70% of your maximum heart rate.

·   If you want to see additional health benefits from your cardio exercises, aim for 300 minutes each week.


Manage Stress. 

Health professionals will be able to give you direct guidance on how to better manage your stress, a hectic lifestyle and other life situations.

Stress is a hard to control emotion that can wreak havoc on your health. Low-grade chronic stress is very common and can inhibit your progress towards living a healthier life.

·         Stress can lead to a variety of health related side effects including: headache, depression, fatigue, raises your risk of a heart attack and type 2 diabetes, acid reflux, and reduced immunity.

·         Engage in other behaviors to help you calm down, release stress and anxiety. Try: meditation, yoga, light exercise, listening to music, talking to a friend or taking a hot shower or bath.   

·   You may want to talk to your primary care doctor about a local therapist or someone they would recommend you to.

·   Seeing a therapist isn't only reserved for those people dealing with a significant mental illness like depression. Many studies have shown that people of all ages and background can benefit from seeing a therapist or a life coach.


Get Adequate Sleeping Time

Getting more sleep will help you feel more rested and ready to face the day in the morning. It gives your body more time to rejuvenate itself as well! This is when your body repairs itself on a cellular level.

·   It's typically recommended to get between 7–9 hours of sleep each night.

·   To help you get a well-rested sleep, do not exercise right before bed, turn off all electronics, turn off all lights and things that make noise. This will help you get the best sleep.

·   Don't ignore chronic sleep problems. If you can't get enough sleep, aren't sleeping well or do not feel well-rested, make an appointment with your doctor to see if they can help alleviate this problem.