Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How to Build an Effectual Customer's Relationship ... PART 2

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5.     Always Show Gratitude 


Nothing says you care for your customers more than giving them a simple, “Thank you.” Whether you thank them for a recent purchase or show appreciation for choosing you, you will make them feel good.

Do not take your customers for granted. Tell them that you care and thank them for choosing you and your business. You can find, “We appreciate your business.” on just about any invoice template. If you want your clients to believe it, though, you should demonstrate your thankfulness.

This can be a small gesture like a handwritten thank you note or personalized gift. Or, it could mean creating a culture of gratitude, where you look for ways to give back to your clients. Perhaps you invite them to a regular lunch-and-learn session where you offer valuable information to help them succeed. (This is another great way to show that you are the expert and want to exceed expectations.)

While many businesses look for shortcuts to success, hoping to leap over their competition, those that survive in the long term have great relationships with their clients. To keep your calendar booked into the future, start working on a few of these areas today.


6.     Make Communication Easy and Comfortable

Strong client relationships require active communication, and that means your clients need to be comfortable reaching out. Let clients know if you are best reached by email, text message, Slack, or some other form of communication. You should also know how they prefer to be contacted.

Don’t leave it at easy to reach, though. You also want to ensure that your clients are comfortable approaching you. They shouldn’t feel like any question is too stupid to ask (after all, you’re the expert so they don’t have to be). Instead, they should see you as a friendly, approachable expert who will guide them through the process.

Alert your customers to promotions, rewards programs, product updates and any other content you think they’ll find interesting and relevant. Ask people to share their stories or hold contests to encourage engagement. Stay a step ahead by anticipating future challenges they may have and suggesting new solutions. If you haven’t heard from particular customers in a while, don’t be afraid to reach out to them. Even if your efforts don’t result in immediate sales, they’ll go a long way toward keeping your brand first in your customers’ minds.



      7    Make the most of social media.

   Showing customers you are available to them via multiple channels, makes them feel a sense of belonging. When you provide the attention they want, when they want it, it creates a happy customer. If you are unavailable, it can have a lasting impact not just on customer experience but your company’s bottom line.

Social networks are extremely useful in maintaining customer contact after the initial sale. Social media offers great opportunities to engage your customers and build trust by showing the personal side of your business. Monitor your customers’ opinions, interests, and motivations. Pinpoint and reward your most loyal customers. Make efforts to change negative perceptions other followers may have by providing great customer service. Consumers have turned to social media platforms to ask questions, register complaints and resolve product issues. Take advantage of it to show how your brand is listening and cares about your customers.


      8.     Treat your customers with respect

     Presenting customers with an understanding of how they are feeling in any given situation shows you care. Convey to your customers, “I’d be frustrated, too.” in times when it’s needed. Refrain from being “cold” and robot-like. It can turn angry customers to irate ones, quickly. Show humanity and that you genuinely care.

Give customers ways for them to express or feel emotions. Use humor, intelligent questions, or nostalgia to steer their mind towards a particular direction. When you offer relevant and emotional content or conversations, you open the doors for the customer to connect with you. They will associate the good feelings with experiences they have with you, thus, making them want to come back again.

However, you do not want to push too far in the direction of, “Yes, we’ve seen this many times before.” Your clients shouldn’t feel that they are receiving some cookie-cutter advice that you dish out to everyone.

All clients, and their situations, are unique. Yes, they are similar, and yes, you can assure them that you have the experience to serve their needs. You probably even have a basic starting strategy for common problems.

Just don’t make your clients feel like a number. This doesn’t mean you need to remember the names of all their children or their dog’s birthday. You should have a solid understanding of why they have to come to you, though. The more personalized your approach and your communication, the stronger the relationship.

Quality products are no longer the only factor that contributes to high customer satisfaction as it’s the user experience that will overtake the price and product of every brand as a key differentiator by 2020. 

Don’t treat your customers like academic projects that must be completed by the end of the day, but look at them as individuals and deliver a personalized service:

  • Call them by names. A study has pointed out to enhanced brain activity in people when they hear their names. This means, getting on first-name terms with customers will bring you both closer and make visitors feel appreciated.
  • Keep order history. Whether they’re first-time visitors or regular clients, it’s always good to track order history and offer personalized recommendations.

Go the extra mile. If you want customers to stand behind your store, you need to show a genuine interest in their lives. How? With a simple gesture of caring, like sending a letter or a thank you card


9.     Take Responsibility for Mistakes

Sometimes we make mistakes. While we try to cover all the bases and keep everything running smoothly, life happens on occasion.

The worst approach in this situation is to disappear, trying to hide until you fix the problem, or ignore it altogether. Typically, the longer you wait to address an issue with a client, the worse the consequences.

If you take responsibility for the situation early, though, you can stay in the driver’s seat. Your client knows that you have identified and are working on a solution. And when you take charge, even if it was not your fault, you earn your client’s respect.




10.                        Resolve All Issues during the First Interaction

First impressions are vital to every business. If a problem comes up, and you don’t take action to try and resolve it, customers will leave. They have not built trust with you, and loyalty does not exist yet. Show them respect by taking their issues seriously, Show them you are their support team and will work hard to resolve all their issues the first time.

Don’t blatantly treat new customers different from existing ones, either. If you do, it will be much harder to turn a new customer into a loyal one. When customers know you will be there for them and they can rely on you, they feel a sense of security. They will feel like you will not let them down.

As the old saying goes, “Do as you say and mean what you do.” Let them know they can trust you, and a healthy relationship will form.

Give customers ways for them to express or feel emotions. Use humor, intelligent questions, or nostalgia to steer their mind towards a particular direction. When you offer relevant and emotional content or conversations, you open the doors for the customer to connect with you. They will associate the good feelings with experiences they have with you, thus, making them want to come back again.

Being mindful of customer’s time shows you care. Giving customer convenience in every way possible is considerate, and customers love it. Ask customers if they’d like home delivery. If this is a service you offer, it saves customers time and the need to travel. Think of how to make their lives easier, without taking shortcuts or lessening quality.


11.                          Keep Promises and Fulfill Commitments

Never over promise or under deliver. When you promise your customers something, stick to it. If for any reason, something changes, be respectful, and inform the customer straight away.

Ask customers “Are you finding everything okay?” Asking questions, like this one, lets customers know you respect them. You want them not to waste their time searching for items they are finding difficult to locate.  Just a few words can show a willingness to help. Do not ignore their confused looks and puzzled expressions. Extend a hand and help. Customer service should also go beyond the sale. Follow-up with customers who recently bought a car from you or purchased the Internet service you offer.

Let them know that their happiness with your products and services matter to your small business. It’s a fact, not every customer will be satisfied with the service you provide, even if you feel you did your best. There are also customers who complain about their experience, but many more who don’t. When a customer expresses their dissatisfaction, your response needs to be, “I really appreciate you letting us know.” Change their feelings by changing their mind. (Psychological)

Don’t become upset or get angry. Some tend to portray a psychological phenomenon called the Online Dis-inhibition Effect. This is when you go online without your name and photo visibly attached to your profile and let your anger loose.

For some reason, human beings feel like the online world offers some form of identity protection, even when they cognitively know this is not the case.

So, what happens? You let your inhibitions and self-boundaries go. You end up responding in ways you would never do if you were in person.

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National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Trade Nigeria is a Public Private Joint Partnership Project with Government on International Trade. The Organization is an organized private sector which focuses on Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) through G2G/B2B/B2C project Developments, Build Own Operate and Transfer, support Business development , investment , Trade promotions, economic exchange and multilateral cooperation with major aim in turning a population into a productive nation.


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