Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How To Build an Effectual Customer's Relationship

Customer service is much more than a purchase and an exchange of pleasantries. What makes or breaks a relationship is the customer service psychology in play there. When you understand the psychology is when you achieve customer service. Your goal is for every customer to leave your place of business, feeling positive about the service they receive. However, no matter how hard you try, there are still times when this is not the case. If you don’t have the right information, it makes providing customer support and service even more difficult to do.

You want to create positive experiences rather than having most days feeling too much like an emotional roller coaster. How you respond to situations and behavior are major factors that can contribute to the type of customer service you provide. If you want to know how to gain more business out of your existing customers’ relationship, here’s our customers’ list of eleven tips for outstanding relationship:



  1.     Listen & observe your client’s pains and challenges rather than pushing a product

 I briefly touched on this in the other points, but this one deserves to be mentioned on its own. You need to understand the pains, challenges and goals your clients face so you can align the products/services you offer in a way that resolves their challenges or helps them meet their goals.

Selling is like dating. You won’t get very far on the first contact (first date) if you try to sell right off the bat. People are a lot more skeptical and informed.

You need to build up trust between you and your potential clients. That includes showing them how you understand the challenges they face in their business and how your products/services help them answer those challenges.

You’ve got to demonstrate to your clients that you are someone they can trust and someone who knows what they are talking about. That means you need to be knowledgeable and informed about the products/services you sell, your competitors products/services and show an in-depth knowledge of your client’s industry.


          2.        Keep your Customers engaged

    Lack of engagement is one of the big red flags for customers churn with your business. The trick to avoiding this problem is to keep them happy and engaged in post sales. Because loyal customers are far more profitable than new customers.

How do you do that?

It can be a daunting task to maintain continuous engagement with your customers to offer support to foster this crucial business relationship.

But the thumb rule is: the better is the engagement, the happier your customers are. When customers are engaged correctly they are more likely to retain, recommend and buy more. If your customer engagement strategies are effective, they will positively impact your key performance Indicators (KPIs).

Here are some strategies to improve customer’s engagement:

  • Send a thank you email as a token of appreciation and connects you with them with a positive impression. And the base of building customer relationships is connecting with people.
  • Ask for reviews to measure your customer success with your products and services. You can encourage customers to provide reviews; you can entice them with a discount or special deal, like free shipping on their next order. 
  • Cross-sell or up-sell your products through post purchase email. Notify your customers on your new products and also offer product recommendations based on their previous purchase.
  • Customer loyalty programs are one of the best ways to engage customers after they have made their purchase.
  • Request for referrals is an effective form of marketing. People tend to make a purchase for sure when it is recommended by a friend or family. The best time to request a referral after the sale is closed.


            3.      Build a strong brand image; it makes customer to stay loyal.

    Every business puts its best efforts to build a strong brand image for fueling business-customer relationship. Strong brand image impacts in increasing the trust level in customers and helps in customer retention.  Successful branding leads to increased customer loyalty, an improved image, and a relatable identity. Technology Sales Leads (TSL) marketing The brand image can be strengthened through making use of brand communication with word of mouth. Brand image has great importance. Put your best efforts to develop your brand image and maintain the trust of your customers.

Loyalty is a virtue. But it has to be earned to truly mean something. That’s true in life in general, but it also goes for marketing. Customers won’t just stay loyal to brands because they’re there—you have to earn the loyalty of the people you sell to. The customers who are brand loyal are simply loyal to your business. 

Brand loyalty is simply when customers become committed to one brand over its competition and make consistent repeat purchases over time. There are actually many reasons why a consumer can become loyal to one brand over its competition. 

Some common reasons that can be helpful to examine are:

  • Convenience – Customers might be lazy to seek out your competitors as it is easier that way once they have chosen you first. 
  • Status – Brands that provide tips on ‘being you” make customers feel cool and they buy it. When brands provide such a pleasant experience, customers will stick around.
  • Trust – When customers know your brand well and are convinced to depend on it, they are likely to be associated with you.
  • Reputation – If a customer believes in what a brand stands for or they like the brand’s attitude they’re likely to want to buy from that brand. 
  • Excitement – A brand that is inspiring or that continuously does interesting things to grab attention can engender loyalty from customers. 
  • Camaraderie – When buying from a brand makes you feel like a part of something bigger than yourself, you’re more likely to want to continue buying from them.


           4.       Respond quickly to every query politely and clearly

    Generally, it is very important to choose the right words before you speak to your customers. The customers can get a bad impression with certain words or phrases used by the customer support agents. Always make your customers feel comfortable, valued, and appreciated. Be knowledgeable of and understand the relevant policy and procedures. Always listen to what they say without interrupting them in between. 



  • Make the conversations one-on-one basis that will give a special feeling to the customer.
  • Use the first name to address the customers while talking to them.
  • Identify the nature of the problem and understand customer needs.
  • Send personalized greetings to set a personal tone to your conversation.

Never waste time in general questions – jump directly to the right solution for the customer makes the process personal as well as efficient.

When you respond to all queries made by customers, you show them a willingness to resolve any issues and answer any questions. This is an excellent way to build trust, loyalty, and to gain their honesty. Just say, “I would be happy to help you with this” as soon as you receive a customer query. Refrain from babbling or trying to “wing it” to prevent negative experiences from happening.

Be transparent with what you know and eager to find out what you do not know. Actively listen to your customers needs to resolve them quickly and efficiently. This applies to both online and offline customer interactions.

What you say is just as important as how quickly you say it. Use positive phrases and terms when responding and conversing with customers. Show them the respect they deserve. Avoid using negative words like, “I do not know, Nope, Calm down.” Use the art of communication to connect with people. Choose your words wisely.

When you respond to customer comments, questions, queries, and reviews, quickly, you show them that you care. Not only do you care about their time, but about providing the information or attention, they requested or required. If you take too long, people will become unhappy, and it could cost you a customer. Respond promptly, do not keep them waiting.

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