Monday, August 31, 2020

About world Rubber and Plastic Expo


World Rubber & Plastic Expo this is a conference and exhibition program for business people looking to reduce their plastic consumption, find and source for highly sustainable alternative bio-based materials, and create a more circular economy throughout their supply chain.

The conference and exhibition program will bring together sustainability and environmental experts from some of the biggest companies in the world to discuss practical and innovative solutions to tackle the growing plastic pollution crisis. The most senior business leaders from key industries including packaging, food and beverage, retail, fashion and textiles, and  automobile will discuss and deliberate on the latest research, sustainable product designs, new manufacturing solutions, recycling and reuse of products and raw materials, as well as the latest and next-generation bio-sourced materials and solutions to create 100% biodegradable, reusable, and compostable products. 

The world Rubber and Plastic Expo is powered by Trade Nigeria in conjunction with Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The topic: World Rubber and Plastic Expo is brought to you by National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update

Globe fashion week and Award Expo


Global Fashion Week and Awards is a project designed as a glamorous celebration of artistry honoring, Talents, Creative excellence in Fashion and lifestyle.....



A Global gathering of Business Executives, Luxury and Lifestyle brands, World designers, Super models, Fashion enthusiasts, entertainers, Pressmen & Media.



Global Fashion Week & Awards honour the outstanding contribution and lifetime achievements of fashion icons that are dedicated to the advancement of the arts of fashion, to further creative leadership, artistic, technical and social achievement within the global fashion industry.

TRADE NIGERIA: Positive Effect of International Trade on a growing Nation


In our world today, nothing can be done without an exchange of some value for value, which involves money, ideas, product and technology. Because of this there is direct effect on the economy of any nation, either positively or negatively. Trade can be traced back to the need for exchange, which evolved from the barter system to the money system. Trade in Africa, however, became popular with the advent of the colonial rule that brought in their wares and made Africans their intermediaries. By this, Africans understood the need for trade both domestically and internationally.

International trade can be seen as exchange of goods and services that exists between two or more countries of the world. International trade occurs due to differences in natural resources endowments, technology, demand, existence of economics of scale in production, financial capital and existence of government policies etc.

International trade has been an area of concern to policy makers and economists. Its importance lies on the ability to obtain goods which cannot be produced in the country or which can only be produced at greater expenses. In addition, it enables a nation to sell its domestically produced goods to other countries of the world. The performance of a given economy in terms of growth rates of output and per capital income has not only been based on the domestic production and consumption activities but also on international transaction of goods and services. The classical and Neo-classical economists attached so much importance to international trade in a country’s development that they regarded it as an engine of growth

Trade is a vital catalyst for economic development most especially for developing countries like Nigeria, the contribution of trade to overall economic development is immense owing largely to the obvious fact that most of the essential elements for development such as, capital goods, raw materials and technical expertise, are mostly imported because of inadequate domestic supply. However, it is important to note that internal trade complements external trade since domestically produced goods are collected for export, while imported goods are distributed within the country, sometimes into remote areas. It also facilitates internal specialization and the division of labour between the various firms and geographical areas of the country. Therefore, the higher the level of internal trade the greater the level of specialization. This raises the level of efficiency and productivity of the various economic units.




Benefits for International Trade.........



An international business program......courtesy of Globe chamber of commerce in conjunction with Trade Nigeria.




Foreign Trade helps in Breaking Vicious Circle of Poverty:


The underdeveloped countries are characterized by the existence of vicious circle of poverty. It implies, low income, deficiency of demand and lack of demand accounts for low supply, which in turn accounts for low income. However, international trade enables underdeveloped countries to produce more of those goods in which they enjoy greater comparative advantage.

Consequently, production, income and employment in these countries increase leading to increase in demand. This increase demand is partially met by domestic production and partially by foreign imports. In this way, exports and imports of various products help in breaking the vicious circle of poverty. Thus, it accelerates the rate of economic development automatically in the economy.



Efficient Use of Means of Production:


International trade, it is felt, provides better ground for efficient use of various resources due to its comparative advantages. According to an expert, it adds to the efficiency of production. In underdeveloped economies, agriculture is backward and subsistence farming is the rule.

With the development of trade, use of latest and improved techniques of production becomes possible in agriculture as well in industrial sector.

This, in turn helps to increase, the efficiency of means of production. The commercialization of agriculture becomes possible. Similarly, many new industries come into being and some of them are meant for the production of export goods only. Therefore, efficient use of means of production leads to all-round development of the economy.



Widening of Market and Raising Productivity:


It is argued that the productivity gains arising out of extension of market is a consequence of international trade. Improvements in productivity result from greater division of labour, a higher degree of mechanization and greater possibility of innovation. It is said that foreign trade, by widening the extent of the market and the scope of the division of labour, permits a greater use of machinery, stimulates innovations, overcomes technical indivisibility, raises the productivity of labour, and generally enables the trading country to enjoy increasing returns and economic development. An expert has categorized them as indirect dynamic benefits arising out of international trade.

Thus international trade, by extending the size of the market, exercises a dynamic influence on the economy. In turn, it helps to raise the production at higher trade. As a result, country enjoys the benefits of external and internal economies of scale.




International trade enables a country to enjoy the advantages of international specialization according to comparative costs. Every country specializes and exports those commodities, which it can produce cheaper in exchange for what others can provide at a lower cost.

When a country specializes according to its comparative advantage, it gains an increase in real income and consequent rise in the standard of living of its people. An expert emphasized this aspect of international trade and maintained that trade according to comparative advantage, results in a ‘more efficient employment of productive forces of the world’ and this may be considered as the ‘direct economic advantage of international trade’.

Therefore, international trade by enabling better and more efficient utilization of the resources of a country increases its real national income and hence has a growth-promoting effect.




Helpful for High Growth Potential:

International trade can also help in the development of a country enabling it to exchange domestic goods saving low growth potential for foreign goods with high growth potential.

A school of thought emphasizing this growth promoting aspect of international trade observes that trade offers an opportunity for the exchange of goods with less growth potential for goods with more growth potential, thereby quickening the progress that results from a given effort on the saving sides.

It provides an opportunity for importing capital goods and materials required for development purposes. The import of machinery, transport equipment, vehicles, power generation equipment, road-building machinery, medicines, chemicals and other goods with high growth potential provides greater benefits to the developing countries.



Educative Effect of Trade:

                     Nigeria-Czech Economic Forum powered by Trade Nigeria Organization


It is maintained that international trade can serve as a vehicle for the dissemination of technological knowledge. A deficiency of knowledge can be a biggest handicap in the development of a country and this deficiency can be effectively removed through contact with more advanced economies i.e. by making possible through foreign trade.

The technical expertise and skills is an indispensable source of technological progress, and the importation of ideas in general is a potent stimulus to development. According to an expert, trade benefits the less developed country through ‘the introduction of foreign arts, which raise the returns derivable from additional capital to a rate corresponding to the low strength of the desire of accumulation’. Thus, international trade can have an educative influence on the people of developing countries and can thus help in bringing about technological and industrial revolution.


Capital Formation:


It is said that international trade helps to increase capital formation. The capacity to save increases as real income rises through the more efficient resource allocation associated with international trade. Foreign trade also provides stimulus for investment and thus it tends to raise the rate of capital formation.

This stimulus comes from the possibility of realizing increasing returns in wider markets that foreign trade provides. Moreover, by allowing economies of large-scale production, the access to foreign markets makes it profitable to adopt more advanced techniques of production.

Thus international trade, by creating conditions for increased capital formation in underdeveloped countries, can help in their economic development.


Basis of Import of Foreign Capital:


International trade also helps in promoting development by creating suitable conditions for the import of foreign capital. A school of thought argued that trade is a vehicle for the international movement of capital from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.

The amount of capital that an underdeveloped country can obtain from foreign countries depends to a considerable extent on the volume of its trade. The larger the volume of trade of a country, the greater will be the volume of foreign capital that can be expected to become available to it.

It is an established fact that it is much easier to get foreign capital for export industries because they have a built-in solution of the transfer problem.


Healthy Competition:


International trade also helps in economic development by providing healthy competition and keeping in check inefficient monopolies. The more competitive an economy is, the more efficient it will be.

The foreign trade benefits an underdeveloped country indirectly by encouraging healthy competition and checking inefficient monopolies. Healthy, competition is essential for the development of the export sector of such economies and for checking inefficient exploitative monopolies that are usually established on the grounds of infant industry protection.

Similarly, an expert opines, “international trade accelerates the rate of economic development of underdeveloped countries.”

They get opportunities for improved techniques. There is expansion in the size of market. Domestic and foreign goods are easily available. Income, output and employment of the country increases. The countries such as Singapore, Arab countries, Brazil, Malaya, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. get tremendous progress due to international trade.


Efficient Use of Means of Production:

International trade, it is felt, provides better ground for efficient use of various resources due to its comparative advantages. According to an expert, it adds to the efficiency of production. In underdeveloped economies, agriculture is backward and subsistence farming is the rule.

With the development of trade, use of latest and improved techniques of production becomes possible in agriculture as well in industrial sector.

This, in turn helps to increase, the efficiency of means of production. The commercialization of agriculture becomes possible. Similarly, many new industries come into being and some of them are meant for the production of export goods only. Therefore, efficient use of means of production leads to all-round development of the economy.


Import of Capital Goods & Export of Primary Goods:

 Another direct advantage of international trade for the economic development of underdeveloped countries is that these countries can industrialize themselves by importing necessary capital goods like machinery, semi-finished products and industrial raw materials from industrialized developed countries.

In return, these countries can export primary goods and mineral resources and thus solve the problem of balance of payments. In this way, import of capital goods and export of primary goods are possible under international trade.


 The topic : Trade Nigeria: Positive Effect of International Trade on a Growing Nation, is brought to you by National Mail

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 


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Offices @:
Abuja: Edo House Suite 5-05, fifth floor, Central Business District, Abuja.

Rivers State : No 6 Omerelu Street, GRA phase 1 Port Harcourt.

Kano ; Bargery Road Bompai GRA Kano.
Lagos: Isaac John Street, Ikeja GRA Lagos State. 
tel; 08161261262,  09080088327,  07010882314,  09074569808,  08120466664. 


Trade Nigeria

      Grow * Connect * Expand




Friday, August 28, 2020



















The 65 projects, program,promotion and trade production and  investment of
Trade Nigeria And Globe Chamber Of Commerce And Industry,created, carefully designed and professionally chosen to support,promote,enhance and encourage business development,bilateral trade partnerships, commerce,investments,trade and economic exchange and cooperation.

CYBER CRIME : It's effect on economic development in Nigeria


A major impact of globalization in our society today is that we all have come to rely on the sheer size technological power and fast speed of the internet to seek out immeasurable volumes of information to explore the unknown to communicate with virtually anyone, anywhere and at any time across the globe. According to researchers, at the turn of the 21st century due to the advent of mobile telephones, Nigerian Internet penetration levels took a running jump from less than 5% in 2002 – 2003, to over 30% by the end of 2012 with the growth poised to continually accelerate. These internet based platforms have provided an array of opportunities for individuals to communicate and network with people of diverse cultures all over the world; it has aided local business to grow by providing regional and international markets and it is shrinking the world into one small community. However, irrespective of these gains associated with the internet revolution, it comes with it several ills especially with regards to cyber-crime.

The menace of cyber-crime has eaten deep into the fabrics of our society and poses threats to the socioeconomic development of the country. It is pertinent to state here that although cyber-crime is a global phenomenon, the vulnerabilities and impact trends do tend to differ depending on the strength of the measures each country put in place to combat menace such as cyber laws and cyber protection technologies. Sadly, as shown in the arguments above, Nigeria ranks high amongst the cyber-crime impacted countries however the country’s response to mitigate cyber-crime is still very low due to inadequate cyber-crime legislation, limited technology and lack of cyber security experts. The shortage of human capital in cyber-security hence becomes a major vulnerability factor in addressing Nigeria’s security needs to combat cyber-crime and cyber threats emanating from cyber criminals. According to researches  the Indian government is earmarking to develop five million cyber security experts in the next three years, while North Korea has already sponsored 15, 000 cyber security experts with China having over 25 million cyber commandoes; with Nigeria needing nothing less than one million cyber security experts in the next two years to combat cyber-crimes. This should be supported by aggressive mass sensitization of the citizenry on the nature, schemes and tactics utilized by cyber-criminals as a means of reducing their vulnerability.

OPINION:  Efforts by the government and the citizenry geared towards curbing cyber-crimes must be reinvigorated as cyber security is crucial for maintaining the continuity of vital social services, preservation of public trust in information systems and promotion of socio-economic development in Nigeria.

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 





Nigeria Bilateral Friendly Football Match.

Thursday, August 27, 2020






Globalization: Covid-19 Can not Kill The Formation of International Business


In just a few months, COVID-19 travelled from China to more than 200 other countries and has now killed more than 200,000 people. Some claim the pandemic sounds the death knell for globalization – but in fact, it reveals the disasters that can arise when nations try to go it alone.

Covid-19 will not kill the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Rather, it will accelerate underlying trends, compressing into 2020 a transformation in flows across national borders that would have taken years to emerge. As individuals and companies move online, national borders become less relevant. Virtual meetings are substituting for travel and physical meetings, with their greater efficiency leading to higher levels of engagement. This increased digital connectivity facilitates the rapid flow of ideas, the most influential dimension of the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale (globalization). The scientific race to stop Covid-19 and find a vaccine has encouraged unprecedented collaboration. Greater global awareness is evident in the intense interest in the march of Covid-19 and spread of the Black Lives Matter protests to five continents. Not all flows are good, and the spread of bad and fake ideas is also accelerating, from meddling by foreign powers to anti-vaccine fears that undermine the fight against the pandemic. Covid-19 will also accelerate and transform financial flows. With more than 100 countries requesting emergency financing, those from the IMF and other multilateral groups will far exceed any previous era of cross-border capital flows. Holdings of overseas currencies are also rising. The pandemic is also likely to precipitate a new wave of cross border mergers and acquisitions, including higher rates of investment in and from the growth markets of East Asia. Travel has been curtailed by the pandemic, but personal travel will rebound sharply, as soon as a vaccine or medicine allow, thanks to pent up demand in China, the world’s largest source of international tourism. Business travel growth is likely to be permanently lower, since the pandemic has revealed the advantages of remote meetings. Trade was already declining for reasons that preceded and are unrelated to the pandemic. Overseas supply chains were built on outsourcing repetitive tasks to lower labour-cost countries. But artificial intelligence, robotics and 3D printing are changing the model: automated processes require machines and skilled labour, which are more abundant in richer countries. Demand for individual customization and rapid delivery encourages manufacturers to return home. For services, banks, insurers and law firms are putting their back-office functions on servers or in the cloud, rather than relying on far-flung, labour-intensive call or data processing centres. The politics of protectionism and nationalism reinforce these trends. The transformation of work is being accelerated by the pandemic. Machines do not get sick or spread viruses. Now that office workers are logging in from home, it begs the question as to why they need to be anywhere specific. Increasingly we will see the globalization of professional services. Many essential services cannot be done in another country. But banking, law and design can, often at a far lower cost. East Asia has been the principal beneficiary of globalization and remains an enthusiastic supporter. The region’s assiduous containment measures have allowed its economies to rebound toward pre-pandemic levels of growth. Meanwhile, US protectionism and its disastrous handling of the pandemic is accelerating its relative decline. The UK is less significant than it has been in centuries, with similar self-inflicted wounds hastening its slide. Covid-19 has accelerated the rise of east Asia as the centre of gravity of globalization. but it would make matters worse. The world, especially the countries devastated by Covid-19, need cross-border flows of vaccines, clean technologies and investments and trade that create decent jobs. Business as usual is not an option. We need to redouble our efforts to create a healthier, greener, better regulated and more inclusive globalization.

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 




Miss Nations is a combination of Intelligence, Personality, Style, Elegance, Brain, Womanhood, Fashion, and Beauty. A Search for Beauty and Elegance. It is an international quest for beauty with brains with the sole aim of giving children global quality education, Education For All Children, A Total Support for GLOBAL CHILDREN EDUCATION.

A Zero illiteracy campaign Project, A global campaign call on Global Children Education, EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN.

Miss Nations, is an International beauty pageant, where Miss of all the Countries, come together to contest for World most admired girl, campaigning for a beautiful and peaceful world.

Bringing all Female Beauties Together in one platform to celebrate Peace, Education, World Unity, understanding and Love, While Supporting Global Children Education. With the aim of giving Education to underprivileged children globally, mostly in the developing nations.

Miss Nations is a Beauty Pageant with a mission, 'Education to Voiceless Children', She will be an Advocate of Reformed Education. It is a talent, educative and informative based competition. Over 100 Queens of Each country are expected to represent their Countries in this great event.

Miss Nations is organized, produced and globally managed by Face of The World Organisation Face of the World Organisation, a Multi oriented Media, Production and Global Entertainment Company, Fully Registered, Copyrighted and Trade Marked in 50 countries with over 100 Country Directors



Miss Face of World is a combination of Intelligence, Personality, Style, Elegance, Brain, Womanhood, Fashion, and Beauty. A Search for Beauty and Elegance. It is an international quest for beauty with brains with the sole aim of giving children global quality education, Education For All Children, A Total Support for GLOBAL CHILDREN EDUCATION.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How to Build an Effectual Customer's Relationship ... PART 2

 ...............Continue From Our Previous Post

5.     Always Show Gratitude 


Nothing says you care for your customers more than giving them a simple, “Thank you.” Whether you thank them for a recent purchase or show appreciation for choosing you, you will make them feel good.

Do not take your customers for granted. Tell them that you care and thank them for choosing you and your business. You can find, “We appreciate your business.” on just about any invoice template. If you want your clients to believe it, though, you should demonstrate your thankfulness.

This can be a small gesture like a handwritten thank you note or personalized gift. Or, it could mean creating a culture of gratitude, where you look for ways to give back to your clients. Perhaps you invite them to a regular lunch-and-learn session where you offer valuable information to help them succeed. (This is another great way to show that you are the expert and want to exceed expectations.)

While many businesses look for shortcuts to success, hoping to leap over their competition, those that survive in the long term have great relationships with their clients. To keep your calendar booked into the future, start working on a few of these areas today.


6.     Make Communication Easy and Comfortable

Strong client relationships require active communication, and that means your clients need to be comfortable reaching out. Let clients know if you are best reached by email, text message, Slack, or some other form of communication. You should also know how they prefer to be contacted.

Don’t leave it at easy to reach, though. You also want to ensure that your clients are comfortable approaching you. They shouldn’t feel like any question is too stupid to ask (after all, you’re the expert so they don’t have to be). Instead, they should see you as a friendly, approachable expert who will guide them through the process.

Alert your customers to promotions, rewards programs, product updates and any other content you think they’ll find interesting and relevant. Ask people to share their stories or hold contests to encourage engagement. Stay a step ahead by anticipating future challenges they may have and suggesting new solutions. If you haven’t heard from particular customers in a while, don’t be afraid to reach out to them. Even if your efforts don’t result in immediate sales, they’ll go a long way toward keeping your brand first in your customers’ minds.



      7    Make the most of social media.

   Showing customers you are available to them via multiple channels, makes them feel a sense of belonging. When you provide the attention they want, when they want it, it creates a happy customer. If you are unavailable, it can have a lasting impact not just on customer experience but your company’s bottom line.

Social networks are extremely useful in maintaining customer contact after the initial sale. Social media offers great opportunities to engage your customers and build trust by showing the personal side of your business. Monitor your customers’ opinions, interests, and motivations. Pinpoint and reward your most loyal customers. Make efforts to change negative perceptions other followers may have by providing great customer service. Consumers have turned to social media platforms to ask questions, register complaints and resolve product issues. Take advantage of it to show how your brand is listening and cares about your customers.


      8.     Treat your customers with respect

     Presenting customers with an understanding of how they are feeling in any given situation shows you care. Convey to your customers, “I’d be frustrated, too.” in times when it’s needed. Refrain from being “cold” and robot-like. It can turn angry customers to irate ones, quickly. Show humanity and that you genuinely care.

Give customers ways for them to express or feel emotions. Use humor, intelligent questions, or nostalgia to steer their mind towards a particular direction. When you offer relevant and emotional content or conversations, you open the doors for the customer to connect with you. They will associate the good feelings with experiences they have with you, thus, making them want to come back again.

However, you do not want to push too far in the direction of, “Yes, we’ve seen this many times before.” Your clients shouldn’t feel that they are receiving some cookie-cutter advice that you dish out to everyone.

All clients, and their situations, are unique. Yes, they are similar, and yes, you can assure them that you have the experience to serve their needs. You probably even have a basic starting strategy for common problems.

Just don’t make your clients feel like a number. This doesn’t mean you need to remember the names of all their children or their dog’s birthday. You should have a solid understanding of why they have to come to you, though. The more personalized your approach and your communication, the stronger the relationship.

Quality products are no longer the only factor that contributes to high customer satisfaction as it’s the user experience that will overtake the price and product of every brand as a key differentiator by 2020. 

Don’t treat your customers like academic projects that must be completed by the end of the day, but look at them as individuals and deliver a personalized service:

  • Call them by names. A study has pointed out to enhanced brain activity in people when they hear their names. This means, getting on first-name terms with customers will bring you both closer and make visitors feel appreciated.
  • Keep order history. Whether they’re first-time visitors or regular clients, it’s always good to track order history and offer personalized recommendations.

Go the extra mile. If you want customers to stand behind your store, you need to show a genuine interest in their lives. How? With a simple gesture of caring, like sending a letter or a thank you card


9.     Take Responsibility for Mistakes

Sometimes we make mistakes. While we try to cover all the bases and keep everything running smoothly, life happens on occasion.

The worst approach in this situation is to disappear, trying to hide until you fix the problem, or ignore it altogether. Typically, the longer you wait to address an issue with a client, the worse the consequences.

If you take responsibility for the situation early, though, you can stay in the driver’s seat. Your client knows that you have identified and are working on a solution. And when you take charge, even if it was not your fault, you earn your client’s respect.




10.                        Resolve All Issues during the First Interaction

First impressions are vital to every business. If a problem comes up, and you don’t take action to try and resolve it, customers will leave. They have not built trust with you, and loyalty does not exist yet. Show them respect by taking their issues seriously, Show them you are their support team and will work hard to resolve all their issues the first time.

Don’t blatantly treat new customers different from existing ones, either. If you do, it will be much harder to turn a new customer into a loyal one. When customers know you will be there for them and they can rely on you, they feel a sense of security. They will feel like you will not let them down.

As the old saying goes, “Do as you say and mean what you do.” Let them know they can trust you, and a healthy relationship will form.

Give customers ways for them to express or feel emotions. Use humor, intelligent questions, or nostalgia to steer their mind towards a particular direction. When you offer relevant and emotional content or conversations, you open the doors for the customer to connect with you. They will associate the good feelings with experiences they have with you, thus, making them want to come back again.

Being mindful of customer’s time shows you care. Giving customer convenience in every way possible is considerate, and customers love it. Ask customers if they’d like home delivery. If this is a service you offer, it saves customers time and the need to travel. Think of how to make their lives easier, without taking shortcuts or lessening quality.


11.                          Keep Promises and Fulfill Commitments

Never over promise or under deliver. When you promise your customers something, stick to it. If for any reason, something changes, be respectful, and inform the customer straight away.

Ask customers “Are you finding everything okay?” Asking questions, like this one, lets customers know you respect them. You want them not to waste their time searching for items they are finding difficult to locate.  Just a few words can show a willingness to help. Do not ignore their confused looks and puzzled expressions. Extend a hand and help. Customer service should also go beyond the sale. Follow-up with customers who recently bought a car from you or purchased the Internet service you offer.

Let them know that their happiness with your products and services matter to your small business. It’s a fact, not every customer will be satisfied with the service you provide, even if you feel you did your best. There are also customers who complain about their experience, but many more who don’t. When a customer expresses their dissatisfaction, your response needs to be, “I really appreciate you letting us know.” Change their feelings by changing their mind. (Psychological)

Don’t become upset or get angry. Some tend to portray a psychological phenomenon called the Online Dis-inhibition Effect. This is when you go online without your name and photo visibly attached to your profile and let your anger loose.

For some reason, human beings feel like the online world offers some form of identity protection, even when they cognitively know this is not the case.

So, what happens? You let your inhibitions and self-boundaries go. You end up responding in ways you would never do if you were in person.

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Trade Nigeria is a Public Private Joint Partnership Project with Government on International Trade. The Organization is an organized private sector which focuses on Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) through G2G/B2B/B2C project Developments, Build Own Operate and Transfer, support Business development , investment , Trade promotions, economic exchange and multilateral cooperation with major aim in turning a population into a productive nation.


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Rivers State : No 6 Omerelu Street, GRA phase 1 Port Harcourt.

Abuja: Edo House Suite 5-05, fifth floor, Central Business District, Abuja.

Kano ; Bargery Road Bompai GRA Kano.

Lagos: Isaac John Street, Ikeja GRA Lagos State. 

tel; 08161261262,  09080088327,  07010882314,  09074569808,  08120466664. 



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