Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Globe Chamber of Commerce In An Effort To Promote Africa Made Goods, Products and Services To The Global Business Community


When you ask young people from developing countries what they want for their country, they often say opportunity. A good number of them wants jobs and knowledge; they want to be connected to the global economy.

Local manufacturing industries can foster these types of opportunities through investment and transfer of knowledge to local workers and entrepreneurs. Most of this local content are demanded in the global marketplace today, this high demand will increase the potency of workforce. This will empower workers to expand their horizons and lower their risk of unemployment. 

Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry will be organizing “Africa Made Goods, Products and Services” Exhibition and Expo in partnership with embassies of European countries like Czech, Romania and more.


The event will aim to share knowledge on export of African made goods and service and how investment in Africa manufacturing industries can be leveraged to generate opportunities for economic diversification and employment. In addition it will give ample opportunity to African manufacturers to access the global market.


Africa businesses in their supply chain can foster sustainable growth and help end poverty.  The most valuable contribution to long term sustainability comes from the ability of local industries to generate benefits through productive linkages with other sectors.


Some of the Countries we see as developed countries in most continents also went deep in resuscitating their domestic manufacturing industries and also educate and train the young ones on entrepreneurial skills. Not only did this training create direct job opportunities for their population, but the acquired skills fostered the creation of an entire eco-system of small and medium-size enterprises that provided products and services to large companies and related sectors.


When done right, developing African content manufacturing can transform the rural community and to a large extent the economy of nations in the content. It will also provide avenues for micro companies to operate due to benefit sharing. 


According to a statement in Globe Chamber of Commerce website, “Africa goods and services promotion is a unique win-win opportunity where coordination between the private sector, the government, and local economies can multiply shared benefits for all”.


“The Africa Made Products, Service and Goods Exhibition Expo will give participants from the Africa extraction the platform to access the global market to showcase their locally manufactured goods, products and services, and also share knowledge to maximize potential”.


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Or visit our website on: www.globechambers.com


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