Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Globe Chamber of Commerce In An Effort To Promote Africa Made Goods, Products and Services To The Global Business Community


When you ask young people from developing countries what they want for their country, they often say opportunity. A good number of them wants jobs and knowledge; they want to be connected to the global economy.

Local manufacturing industries can foster these types of opportunities through investment and transfer of knowledge to local workers and entrepreneurs. Most of this local content are demanded in the global marketplace today, this high demand will increase the potency of workforce. This will empower workers to expand their horizons and lower their risk of unemployment. 

Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry will be organizing “Africa Made Goods, Products and Services” Exhibition and Expo in partnership with embassies of European countries like Czech, Romania and more.


The event will aim to share knowledge on export of African made goods and service and how investment in Africa manufacturing industries can be leveraged to generate opportunities for economic diversification and employment. In addition it will give ample opportunity to African manufacturers to access the global market.


Africa businesses in their supply chain can foster sustainable growth and help end poverty.  The most valuable contribution to long term sustainability comes from the ability of local industries to generate benefits through productive linkages with other sectors.


Some of the Countries we see as developed countries in most continents also went deep in resuscitating their domestic manufacturing industries and also educate and train the young ones on entrepreneurial skills. Not only did this training create direct job opportunities for their population, but the acquired skills fostered the creation of an entire eco-system of small and medium-size enterprises that provided products and services to large companies and related sectors.


When done right, developing African content manufacturing can transform the rural community and to a large extent the economy of nations in the content. It will also provide avenues for micro companies to operate due to benefit sharing. 


According to a statement in Globe Chamber of Commerce website, “Africa goods and services promotion is a unique win-win opportunity where coordination between the private sector, the government, and local economies can multiply shared benefits for all”.


“The Africa Made Products, Service and Goods Exhibition Expo will give participants from the Africa extraction the platform to access the global market to showcase their locally manufactured goods, products and services, and also share knowledge to maximize potential”.


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Monday, November 28, 2022

Euro - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2023: A Platform For Connecting Continents with Continents Through Trade Development and Investments.


Euro -Africa Economic and Investment Forum is a business and economic event designed to bring business individuals, Trade leaders, stakeholders of both Europe and African extraction together to partner and explore trade and investment opportunities.


The objective of this Economic and Investment Forum basically, is to promote and strengthen collaboration and existing opportunities in Africa and Europe, and make available a platform for government representatives, investors, private sector representatives, and financial institutions from Europe and Africa to explore investment and business opportunities in both sides as well as mitigate the challenges that undermines economic prospects.


This Economic and Investment Forum will help to reflect the importance and the value Europe attaches to African countries and its efforts to develop and deepen the relations with the African Continent. 


The Forum will also provide an unrivaled venue for high-level dialogue that will network issues pertaining to both continents, it will bring together African and European business leaders from a varied range of organizations to discuss on how to stimulate investments in Africa, notably in key sectors such as agriculture and agribusiness, renewable energy, digital economic, medical and healthcare; a strong focus on youth and women entrepreneurship and finally, how to improve the business and investment climate in Africa and Europe.


The Euro-Africa Economic and Investment Forum in its scheme of activities, will also promote the power of Diasporas; as a connecting force between cities, regions and continents: and also, between cultures, companies and people in a view to – Better promote a shared green and inclusive growth, Uncover new business and social impact investment opportunities, Create synergies between both innovation models, among others. The forum indeed, will be an action-oriented platform aim to foster stronger collaboration between Europe and Africa.


African and European leaders from government, business and civil society, young entrepreneurs, multinationals, industries, innovative minds, social influencers, NGOs and media just to mention a view, are expected to be in attendance to constitute the ‘Euro-Africa Economic and Investment Forum Community Network’.


The Euro – Africa Economic and Investment Forum is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


For Information on participation call or contact:







Thursday, November 24, 2022

GCCI Invite Exporters and Manufacturers To Pitch Their Products At The Forthcoming Africa Made Goods, Brands, Products, Services Export & Exhibition Expo 2023


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  is inviting exporters, potential exporters and manufacturers of made in Africa products to Pitch their products and Services in her forthcoming Africa Made Goods, Brands, Products, Services Export & Exhibition Expo in Prague, Czech Republic from the 10th -  12th April 2023, Bucharest, Romania from the 14th - 15th April 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania from the 19th - 22trh April and Barcelona, Spain from the 24th - 26th April 2023.

The Africa Made Goods, Brands, and Products & Services for Export, Exhibition and Expo is a program powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry that will provide participating countries, individuals, exporters and business minds the ideal platform to hear cutting-edge perspectives from wide range of trade expert and exporters, while offering the opportunity to network with industry’s top players. 

in addition the Africa made Goods Export and Exhibition Expo will provide expert’s opinion on how to further regional economic integration across Africa and the implication of policy initiatives aimed at stimulating economic diversification, stability and export growth.


Trade has been a key driver of growth in countries that have been successful in achieving high rates of growth over the past three decades, such as those in East Asia. If Africa are to accelerate their growth (economic growth), trade will have to perform the same role as that of the Asia world. Designing policies that promote trade and trade competitiveness must therefore be at the heart of growth strategies for African countries.


It is relevant to ask whether there are special features of Africa that would help explain the massive poverty and inequality that engulfed the continent. Weak initial conditions (such as weak institutions, human capital and extractive colonial history and its attendant institution) at the time of independence; the dependence of almost all African countries on primary commodity production and trade; lack of non-aid financial capital flows and the alarming level of aid-dependency; lack of ownership of policies which are invariably imposed on Africa by donors; prevalence of conflict and poor governance are some of the issues where possible explanations for this sever lack of progress and pervasive poverty might be found. Many countries, especially those in East Asia, extracted themselves from such massive poverty, among other things, by designing and implementing a system that promote the export of local goods, products and services.


This Export and Exhibition Expo will attempt to tackle and address such economic and business abnormalities, help to tackle the challenges of export development in Africa and give African goods, products and services a voice in the global business community.

For Information or Enquiries on Participation call:







The aforementioned is brought to you, courtesy of Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

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Monday, November 21, 2022

ECBD: Czech Republic and Poland Seek To Support Nigeria's Medical and Healthcare Sector

The Government of Czech Republic and Poland seeks to support Nigeria in strengthening its healthcare systems, to foster investments in Nigeria’s health sector and transfer capacity, expertise and best practices in line with its trade and aid policies. 

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Time, a widely read online information platform has reports that the Nigeria Ambassador in Czech Republic and Poland, Ambassador Kevin Peters and Maj Gen. Christian Ugwu Rtd, respectively will be hosting the Minister of Health for State with a team of top medical director and Medical and health professionals.

Globe Chamber Business Time Team made it known that delegates from Nigeria will embark on a three-day fact-finding mission for the Nigeria Economic Cooperation on Medical, Health Business and Investment Forum to Prague, Czech Republic and Warsaw Poland from 8th to 18th December 2022, adding that the delegation will include the private sector healthcare providers, financial investors and public sector officials.

This visit will be organized by The Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry with Office of the Minister of Health for State, Abuja in collaboration with the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Poland Chamber of Commerce as implementing partners for the Government of the Czech and Poland health-related activities.


The Deputy Director of GCCI Abuja, Emmanuel John Ocheje, further revealed that the Economic Cooperation on Medical, Health Business and Investment Forum will bring together leaders to meet and interact with European Health Leaders. 

"the Economic Forum in Czech and Poland aimed at fostering investments in the Nigerian health sector and to transfer capacity, expertise and best practices", he added.

“We aim to improve sustainable business partnerships between the Czech Republic, Poland and Nigeria in the health sector”.

“We understand the importance of authentic partnerships and aim to reap shared benefits from matchmaking opportunities in Czech Republic and Poland,” he said.

Hon. Ekumankama Joseph Nkam, Nigeria Minister of State for Health, when contacted provided insights into the drafting of a new global health strategy. He stated that “the world economies had become more globalized and Nigeria will embark on the mission to strengthen national health system.

“The Government of Nigeria, as part of its global development goals, has established a policy directive to structure the support it provides to the healthcare sector and to ensure that its national health efforts are more strategic.

“The upcoming Economic Forum (Nigeria Economic Cooperation on Medical, Health Business and Investment Forum) aims to contribute in a coordinated and targeted way to improving the health system in the country and also deploy technologies that will guarantee our nation’s health in future. This is not limited to equipment, we will also deploy innovative software and financing solutions that address our current needs in Nigeria, The Hon. Minister  concluded.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, Chairman Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry also threw his weight behind the discussion adding that healthcare challenges have become increasingly global, multi-dimensional and complex.

“The Nigeria Economic Cooperation on Medical, Health Business and Investment Forum focuses on strengthening National health architecture and systems".

“As Africa’s biggest economy, the state of affairs in Nigeria often reflects issues and opportunities that exist across the continent. That is why this Economic Cooperation is so important,” Hon. Buchi George added.

Furthermore, he also shared findings from the Nigeria Health Sector Market Study.

“The objectives of the study include to provide deeper insights into the opportunities in Nigeria’s health sector and to position Nigeria firms as Czech Republic and Poland innovative partners for Medical Health opportunities.

“There are opportunities to leverage investments through funders and investors who also support and fund systems building, in addition to making access available to the private sector,”

“Functional healthcare systems cannot operate in isolation and to deliver the maximum benefit, they need to work effectively as part of a wider ecosystem that includes a well-trained workforce, funding to pay for health services, diagnostics and therapeutics.” he said.

Commenting on the report, Hon. Ekumankama Joseph Nkam, Nigeria Minister of State for Health, stated that the study provided by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry research team was very useful in validating their studies, particularly the breakdown of the expenditure of each state and private healthcare treatment.

“The report is scheduled to be disseminated in December 2022 and it will provide deeper insights into the market entry strategies for Czech Republic and Poland companies looking to leverage investment opportunities in Nigeria’s health sector,” he said.

Bar. Casmir C. Igwe Senior special assistant to Minister of Health for State in a briefing also reports that the delegation will visits sites of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). “This will ensure a speedy innovative solution that have been developed, using cutting edge technology, Bar. Casmir added.

During the Nigeria Economic Cooperation on Medical, Health Business and Investment Forum in Czech Republic and Poland the latest consumer healthcare products will be showcased and the Nigerian delegation will take part in live demonstrations of some of the medical equipment.

Bar. Casmir further said that Czech Republic and Poland have been developing innovative healthcare solutions across the continuum of care, from health living, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and home-care.

The organizers GCCI, Abuja further disclosed that During the visit to Czech Republic and Poland the Economic Forum will feature

-investments feasible for Nigeria

-solutions that addressed global challenges in the health sector.

-Find smart solutions to complex issues.

 For Enquiries call:






The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Finance and Banking World Conference, Lithuania 2023


Banking and Finance is a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and investments.


Specifically, it deals with the questions of how and why an individual, company or government acquires the money needed – called capital in the company context – and how they spend or invest that money. Finance is then often split per the following major categories: corporate finance, personal finance and public finance.


The Banking and Finance World conference is an institutionalized event by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, comprising professionals, policy makers, regulators, members of the academia, operators and other stakeholders in the banking and financial industry.


The event will provide a veritable platform for subject matter experts and industry stakeholders to discuss and unanimously design a clear road map towards repositioning the banking and financial sector globally.


The conference will create enabling environment for experts to highlight the gaps inherent in the banking and financial industry and provide new solutions to ailing economy especially the banking and financial industry.

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The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The World Manufacturer B2B Forum and The World Technology and Innovation Expo 2023

The World Manufacturer B2B Forum and The World Technology and Innovation Expo is a program designed to be held in South Africa and it will be powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce.


The World Technology and Innovation Expo is a global event with an objective to encourage interaction between the public, researchers and investors with the aim of commercializing inventions and innovations from research experts, facilitating the growth of indigenous technology and innovation, promoting collaborations among research institutions and invention to economic growth and development.


The World Manufacturers' B2B Forum on the other hand will bring together Companies and Industries involved in the manufacturing process of household goods, consumer products, automobiles, agriculture, textiles, footwear, wood, paper products, soap, paint, pharmaceutical goods, ceramics, chemical products, tires, tubes, plastics, cement, glass, milled grain, vegetable oil, meat products, dairy products, sugar refined, soft drinks, beer, cigarettes... among others, to network, raise awareness, encourage progress and transfer experiences.


Companies and Industries are encouraged to participate in this Forum which will present issues the manufacturing industry is currently facing as it is a public private joint partnership with Government solemnly for the purpose of business growth and development in the manufacturing industry.


The World Manufacturers' B2B Forum will bring market and investment opportunities to the manufacturing Industry which will facilitate investment opportunities and provide support to traders, Investors and Manufacturers around the globe.


For Enquiries call:






The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Czech To Host Globe Chamber of Commerce In A Bid To Promote Nigeria Made Goods And Services



The Czech Republic will host Globe Chamber of commerce and industry in a bid to promote Nigeria made goods, brands, products and services, from the 1st to 3rd of December, 2022.

The organizers said, with the scope and working modalities of the Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum (ECBD Forum), the event is one of its ways to market the Nigeria Made goods and service across the shores of Nigeria to other countries of the world, adding that the event will also create a strong bilateral and multilateral trade relationships with key nations around the world.

Hon. Buchi George who is the President of the organization said that what they are doing is not new as it is what they have been doing but this time with a different approach.

He said that as times change, smart organizations will have to think out of the box to solve the problems ahead of them and that is exactly what they are doing.

“our goal is to see Nigerian made goods in high demand across Europe and other continents of the world.”.

This event will create an opportunity for Nigerian brands, manufacturers and providers of services that deserve to be exported. It will also help others seeking international partnerships and investors”, he opines.

The event which is scheduled for Prague, Czech Republic will be having plenaries on Bilateral G2G/B2B/B2C meetings; bilateral trade partnership; business and investment forum, among others.

“I will be looking forward to seeing direct investment and partnerships as immediate turnovers after the event”, he concluded.

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The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry  that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry: An Organization dedicated to assisting SMEs in gaining foreign market entry


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), one of the largest business organizations with the prime objective of advancing the countries’ economy through international trade, Investment, and also representing the interests of business people domestically and globally.

It serves a diverse range of roles including:

-Providing hands-on support to trade companies,
-Drawing trade cooperation from the private sector,
-Formulating new trade strategies,
-Nurturing trade professionals and
-Building trade infrastructure.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has consolidated its position as a leading business organization dedicated to assisting SMEs in gaining foreign market entry and has actively contributed towards Nigerian's recent achievement in trade

The Organization has laid a foundation for economic growth by setting policy directions in trade, as well as developing the national trade infrastructure.

Our Goal
Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry goal is to contribute to the development of the national economy as a private economic organization through advocacy of the Nigerian trade industry's rights and interests, and thereby facilitating global trade.

Five Key Objectives

• Propose suggestions and related policy improvements to the government for protecting the rights and interests of its member companies.
• Develop new foreign markets and enhance private sector trade.
• Organize world-class exhibitions.
• Foster global trade professionals.
• Conduct investigations and studies for increasing national competitiveness.

For Enquiries or observations call:







The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Globe Chamber Website: Intricacies of business growth is so cumbersome, for your business to be advantageous, identify with Globe Chamber of Commerce today!

Business owners are always looking for new opportunities to network and meet other small business owners and expand their business network. One great way to do this is to with Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry! Many small businesses increase their business exposure and grow revenues through involvement in Globe Chamber.


Below are some good reasons to identify with Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry:

1. Make business contacts

The Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry initiates numerous monthly business-to-business opportunities for networking and connecting with other local business professionals.


2. Receive chamber publications

Newsletters publication provide members with  information, interesting information about trade, investment and business development, and details about up-and-coming chamber events.


3. Partnership

Every day, Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry receives information from organizations and businesses looking for partnership with domestic business owners.


4. Bring credibility to your business

You increase the positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


5. Increase your business visibility in the community

As one that identified with Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry, you will be listed in the chamber online directory, and will have the opportunity to be highlighted in other chamber publications. Also, you can grow your business by advertising with the chamber and sponsoring events. The chamber may also promote your grand opening/ ribbon-cutting ceremonies.


6. Networking opportunities

Globe Chamber of Commerce & Industry have numerous platforms and identifying with one of them provides additional networking opportunities as well as professional leadership development.

 Businesses do not grow and succeed in isolation, if you must grow as a business or business enthusiast, you must identify with an umbrella body (chamber of Commerce) that will help whether the storm and give you the right connections and partnership your business needs.

 intricacies of business growth is so cumbersome, for your business to be advantageous, identify with Globe chamber of Commerce today!.

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The aforementioned subject is brought to you by Globe Chamber Business Time.

Globe Chamber Business Time is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development.