Monday, February 21, 2022

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry: About World Economic and Investment Forum 2022


The World Economic and Investment Forum is a Trade development and investment conference designed to connecting continents with continents through bilateral trade partnership and economic cooperation.

 According to the organizers, Globe Chamber of Commerce, The World Economic and Investment Forum will be a multi-sectorial business and economic promotion event.

 “The global event will be cutting across agriculture, technology, and real estate. The event is expected to boost these sectors by creating a platform for African practitioners to network with their counterparts in other continents”.

 The statement has it that the event will also cover the mining sector with much emphasis on boosting investment in the listed sectors.

World Economic and Investment Forum 2022 as the event has been tagged, will also showcase Africa’s might in variety of sectors.

 According to the chairman of Globe Chamber of commerce, Hon. Buchi George in an interview said, “While we want to attract investments and also help our people learn the best ways they can improve our economy, we want to also show our partners that we are not empty-handed. They need to know we also have what it takes to make investments blossom”.


 “Africa is always on the side of give-and-take. That is the real idea of having a bilateral economic relationship with other continents and other nations” he added.

 “The event will be a special one based on the arrangements we are making with all relevant agencies. We want to cover a great deal of agriculture, technology, mining, and minerals, as well as housing and real estate" he concluded.


The World Economic and Investment Forum is designed with an itinerary to provide delegates with a platform to meet serious buyers, explore new development opportunities and network with innovative minds, trade experts, Leaders and entrepreneurs.

The World Economic and Investment Forum will also create an outstanding opportunity for global business sector to showcase its innovative prowess and capabilities to Africans.


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