Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. The Rich Make Money by solving problems for other people. They solve problems in exchange for money. And if you want to become more financially successful this is what you must do regardless of where you are or who you are.
But before I show you how to make more money by solving financial problems, let me first tell you what it means to solve a problem satisfactorily. You solve a problem when you remove pain, obstacles, or challenges from people’s lives. And when you help them reach their desired end or destination.
So there must be two elements in every problem-solving equation. The First is the pain a person is trying to escape from, navigate, or change. And the Second is the pleasure a person is trying to gain or achieve. So now that you know what solving a problem means what are the kinds of problems to solve if you want to be wealthy?
The Kinds of Problems to solve if you want to be wealthy
There are many kinds of problems you can solve in the world but since you want to make more money let’s focus on the type of problem that can give you the most money. There is only one problem in the world that carries the most potential for wealth. This problem is the Financial Problem.
Financial problems
Carry the most potential for wealth because they are universal in nature, everyone has them, and they cut across different countries, tribes, and nations. So if you want to make more money fast in your life focus on solving financial problems. To solve financial problems there are four people you must focus on.
The Four People to focus on if you want to make more money.
The first is you. The second is other people. The third is Businesses and the fourth is the Government. When you solve your own financial problems you do not make much money because money only comes from helping other people. But the benefit of solving your own financial problem is this. It gives you the knowledge, skill, and experience you need to help other people.
When you gain this experience you become a valuable resource to other people. So make sure never to waste any financial mistakes or decisions you have made in the past. Reflect on them to know what worked, what didn’t work, and what you would do next time. This is critical for refining your problem-solving skills and for helping other people.
If you want to make the most money in the world you must focus on helping other people solve their problems. Part of the other people you must help is business owners. Business owners like individuals have financial problems and they are looking for people to help them grow their business revenue.
The beautiful thing about helping a successful business owner is that they are the richest people in the world and have the most capacity to pay you. But to succeed with business owners you must solve problems that are dear to their heart. This, keeping their businesses alive through the constant flow of cash is one of the most important things in the world to them.
The last set of people you should strive to help if you can is the government. The government also needs financial help like individuals and businesses. But their kind of help requires a certain level of expertise and global application to reap a high reward. The more difficult the problems you solve the higher your chances of reaping a high reward. And the more financially related the problem is, the higher income you will earn.
So now that you know the kinds of problems you should solve and who to focus on to earn the most money. Let’s now see some of the factors that determine how much you earn when you solve a problem?
Factors that determine financial success when you solve a problem
There are three factors that will determine how much money you earn when you solve a problem.
1. The type of problem you solve.
2. The Number of people you solve this problem for and
3. The financial capacity of the person paying you. Let me explain these three points in more detail.
Firstly, the kind of problem you solve.
Not all problems are created equal. Certain problems command high income while others command low income. A small or big problem is determined by two factors. First is the level of importance a person places on that problem and second is how that problem is related to making money, saving money, or saving time.
Problems that are pain-related, connected to making money or saving money, and also urgent in nature will command more money than problems that are preventive, future-oriented, or pleasure-seeking in nature. This is because most people are short-term in their thinking and will be open to help when they feel the heat. So focus on urgent problems that have a clear relationship with making money, saving money, or saving time for an individual, business, or Government.
Secondly, is the number of people you solve a problem for.
Solving a problem for just one person is the fastest way to end up in financial struggles. One of anything limits your opportunities and this is why employees struggle financially. They can only serve one employer at a time. The key rule for making more money is this. Find ways to solve a problem for more than one person.
If you solve a problem for one person you get paid by one person and the amount you get paid is dependent on how close your value is to the bottom line. If you solve a problem for some people you get paid more money from a few people. And if you solve a problem for a lot of people you get paid a lot of money by a lot of people. The ability to help a lot of people at the same time is the advantage that business owners have over employees. So if you want to earn more money you must find ways to help a lot of people.
The third factor is who pays you.
Who pays you determines to a great extent how much you earn. This is because people can only pay you according to their financial capacity. For example, when you solve a problem for a peer you get paid income at a peer level no matter the amount of value you provide. But when you solve a problem for a business owner you get paid at a business owner level depending on the success of the business owner.
Business owners are the richest people in the world and they have the highest capacity to pay you. All you need to do is ensure you solve a problem for more than one business owner at a time. And the only way to do this is to help a few business owners generate more revenue through sales.
So now that you know the factors that can determine how rich you can get let’s look at the fastest way to make more money through problem-solving.
The Fastest way to make more money through Problem-Solving.
The fastest way to make more money through problem-solving is to do two things. The first is to choose to focus on financial problems, which is the most critical pain for many people. And the second is to focus on helping business owners who are the people with the most capacity to pay you for solving their problems.
Business Owners spend a tones of money advertising and marketing their products. They are tired of the high marketing cost that produces a low financial reward. Most business owners are willing to share a part of their profit with you if you will help them sell their products through word of mouth and referrals.
And many of them pay up to a 6-figure commission on such sales. If you can help them connect to a new buyer, you can earn a juicy financial reward for it. Thankfully, everyone can help at least one or two people connect with products or services that can help them. The goal here is to only recommend products and services that you are passionate about.
Preferably Products and Services that you trust, have tried, and or tested. This is important because you do not want to jeopardize your important relationships on the grounds of making money. You must truly want to help people and not just sell products to make money. When you do this correctly there is no limit to how much money you can earn.
The Skills You Need to Solve Financial Problems
To successfully solve the revenue problems of business owners and help other people you need three skills.
The first skill is creative skills. You need the ability to come up with creative ideas that will help you sell a product.
Second, you need networking skills. Remember the only way to make money is by helping other people so you need many more people in your network who like you and trust you. This means that you must be a leader and an influencer within your circle. And be able to serve as the connecting bridge between the people who need help and the companies that can help them.
Third, you need sales and marketing skills. That is the ability to educate, convince, inspire, or influence people that a product or service can help them solve their problems. Developing these three skills is the fastest way to make more money in your life and without the added stress of additional workload.