Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Africa: For Economic Recovery Government, Political And Multi-national Leaders should support SMEs.

SMEs constitute the driving force of industrial growth and development in the country. The government should focus on and nurture the sector by making funds at low-interest rates more accessible to players in it to help them thrive.

African leaders have been enjoined to promote and support policies that would strategically support the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and speed up the recovery process in most African nations.

This was stated in the Foresight Africa 2021 report, a publication of African Growth Initiatives of the Brookings Institution, a non-profit organization devoted to independent research and policy solutions.
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According to the report:
“Policymakers must continue to support businesses—both smaller enterprises and larger firms—that have been disrupted by the crisis.
“Arguably, the greatest priority must be to bolster the small-, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are key to African commerce and account for 83 percent of private-sector employment in Africa.
“Such businesses, which number between 85 million to 95 million, are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 mitigation measures given they are often characterized by person-to-person contact. By just May 2020, 75 percent saw their revenue decline by over 30 percent.
Finance will continue to be one of the greatest needs for African businesses; indeed, only 5 percent of SMEs across the continent feel they have received adequate support from lenders. Provided governments navigate Africa’s fiscal challenges with skill and determination, they can continue offering suitable financial support to small enterprises; in addition to indirect support through value chains and banks, such assistance might include loans, debt forgiveness, low-interest rates, assistance with payments to suppliers, and reduction in utility costs.”

 Ways Governments can provide financial support to SMEs. 

There are several steps that governments can take to provide financial support to SMEs. One option is to assist  SMEs through larger firms in their value chains, which might include upstream suppliers and downstream buyers.
Governments can provide easier liquidity and working-capital terms to these larger players, and they can make such support conditional upon these firms’ providing favourable financial terms to SMEs.
Governments can also consider providing risk guarantees or first-loss mechanisms while requiring banks to on-lend under the chosen set of criteria and guidelines in order to encourage banks to lend to SMEs.
Policymakers must not lose sight of the region’s informal sector, as 84 percent of African SMEs are unregistered. Policymakers can take advantage of the opportunity created by the crisis to convince larger numbers of informal enterprises to register, and thus gain better access to finance and markets. Moreover, to promote registration, governments could shape bold campaigns and attractive packages, potentially including multi-year tax holidays and capacity building for SMEs.”
Why this matters
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are widely recognized for the important contributions they make to sustainable development, in terms of contributions to economic growth, creation of jobs, provision of public goods and services, as well as poverty alleviation and reduced inequality.
The pandemic has seriously impacted the SMEs in all African nations as it has exacerbated economic hardship and may have pushed more than 40 million Africans into extreme poverty.
It is imperative that the African leaders focus on enabling businesses to respond effectively to these new and unfavourable conditions to which most SMEs have been exposed to.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Nigeria @61 National Day Awards is scheduled to hold from the 2th to the 4th of October 2021 at the Nigeria-UAE Economic and Investment Forum, Dubai 2021


The Nigeria @61 National day Awards are a means of recognizing various forms of merit and service to Nigeria.

The 25 awards will be selected in 20 categories and Dubai, UAE is chosen for the occasion.

Trade Nigeria is pleased to announce that several awards will be conferred to individuals for their exceptional achievements, their various victory and successes that have moved the entire nation and inspired young citizens and Nigerians to set new goals, reach for their dreams and pursue their aspirations.

This years award has been tagged " Mutual Benefit And Development For All" it is geared towards mentorship, entrepreneurship and inspiration of excellence for greatness towards humanity. 

These awards will serve as an encouragement and recognition of the hard work by people who have helped others to get to where they are today after years of dogged determination,  pursuit of excellence, discipline and drive that has  inspired an entire generation of young people.

To those that their achievements have brought tremendous pride to the country, the Nigeria National Day Award is a well-deserved recognition of their contribution to economic excellence and for their impact on the society, particularly on youth development.

The Awards Ceremony is scheduled to hold from the 2th to the 4th of October 2021 at the Nigeria-UAE Economic and Investment Forum, Dubai 2021. Other lined up activities will include business forum meetings, exhibitions, bilateral and investment partnership among others.

For More enquiry contact Trade Nigeria at:

Edo house, Suite5-05, fifth floor,

Central Business District, Abuja.






Rivers State

#6 Omerelu Street, GRA, Phase 1.

Port Harcourt.






The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 


Entrepreneurship: World Trade Organization is working to assist female entrepreneurs in Nigeria - Okonjo-Iweala


The Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has disclosed that the WTO plans to assist female entrepreneurs in Nigeria to help them penetrate regional and international market and redress inequality through trade.

The WTO boss disclosed this during a meeting with the Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs Pauline Tallen, on Wednesday in Abuja.

According to Okonjo-Iweala, WTO is also trying to find small business holders and women entrepreneurs to upgrade their businesses to enable them penetrate both local and international markets.

She revealed that WTO was working to support women entrepreneurs in the country, as it had assisted a women cooperative producing Shea butter in Oyo State to upgrade and export their products.

“The challenge on how to assist women entrepreneurs so that they move from the small activity they are doing to the next level”.

“So that they attain the quality that is required to be able to penetrate regional and international market that is one of the things that WTO can help with,’’ Okonjo-Iweala said.

She added that the WTO wants to redress inequality through trade, and sees trade as an engine of economic growth which is what we need during this pandemic.

Okonjo-Iweala has been on a week-long trip to Nigeria, which saw her state that Nigeria should start looking at establishing the capacity for manufacturing vaccines locally.

She also added that her role at the World Trade Organisation would be used to support women entrepreneurs, and MSMEs, and all the marginalized and excluded, in her meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari.

Friday, August 27, 2021

World Food Trade Expo 2021 To Bring Hope For Farmers In Nigeria

Farmers and others in related industries in Nigeria will soon see their opportunities scaled up with recent plans to kick off the World Food Trade Expo 2021.

The event which is geared at networking practitioners in Nigeria with their counterparts in Taiwan, Poland, Morocco, and other countries is in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to an official statement by the organizers.

World Food Trade Expo 2021 is put together by Trade Nigeria and Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry both headed by renowned trade and investment expert Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George.

Hon. Buchi George told some media men that the event is specifically designed for farmers, agri-tech companies, food production, and processing companies as well as others into farm mechanization and other relevant sectors.

“One thing we are doing is to keep digging into various sectors of the economy to ensure we can do something that will make it better”

“The economy needs every help it can get at the moment and if we eventually find a way to boost food production and agriculture in Nigeria, we are always willing to make the move”, he said.

World Food Trade Expo 2021 is billed for three countries with Taipei, Taiwan expected to play host for the first edition from October 6 to 7, 2021.

Warsaw, Poland will host the second edition from November 23 to 25 2021, while Casablanca Morocco will see the last edition from December 7 to 9, 2021.

Buchi George further revealed that all hands are on deck to make the event a success, adding that his organization is partnering with relevant agencies within and outside the country to see to the success of the event.

Intending participants are urged to register by visiting the Trade Nigeria office at:


Edo House Abuja, Suite 5 – 05, Fifth Floor, 

Central District, Abuja; 

No. 6 Omerelu Street, GRA Phase 1, 

Port Harcourt, Rivers State 

or visit www.tradewithnigeria.org.

Hot lines are +23478161261262, +23477010882314, +23479080088327, +2347056863770

Inter-ministerial Meeting: planning committee on the Nigeria-Japan Economic and Investment Forum has reiterated the need for gender balance and collaboration between Nigeria and Japan - Buchi George



The Nigeria-Japan Economic and Investment Forum planning Committee  has acknowledged that both countries need to develop more economic partnerships through trade to boost the bilateral relationship between both countries.


This was disclosed by Hon. Buchi George, Trade Nigeria boss, during the end of the Nigeria-Japan inter-ministerial  Meeting held on Thursday been the 26th of August  in Abuja.


The Trade Nigeria boss said that Nigeria was Japans’ largest trading partner in Africa and the relationship should be boosted with even more trade.


He cited some investment in Nigeria funded by some Japanese companies in Nigeria, etc., which helped Nigerian businesses with access to finance and economic growth in areas such as Agriculture, Life Sciences and Health, Youth Employment, Entrepreneurship and ICT.


The he stated that both “parties agreed to collaborate on Nigeria-japan partnership, development, and capacity for research and knowledge exchange.”


Nigeria reiterated the need to increase the number of beneficiaries, ensure gender balance and geographical space in implementation of youth development programmes in Nigeria by the Japanese.


“Nigeria solicits support to start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Agriculture” the trade gaffer concluded.


Participants at the meeting included representative from the Japan embassy in Nigeria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Trade and Investment counterpart, Trade Nigeria, sub-committee on housing, Agriculture, Education, ICT, amongst others.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Automobile: Repositioning the automotive industry will help provide millions of jobs for Nigerians

In an effort to set the wheels of the Nigerian automotive industry on the path of growth and expansion, the Federal Government formulated the Nigerian Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP). This plan would provide incentives that are targeted at creating an environment for existing assembly plants to thrive and also attract new investors in the automotive industry.

To jumpstart this plan, the Nigerian Government launched a Vehicle Finance Scheme that would help Nigerians own new cars.

The scheme will help to create the needed demand for domestic players in the automotive industry, as individuals with a sustainable source of income would be able to acquire their choice car by depositing just 10% of the total cost, while the balance would be paid in monthly installments within a stipulated number of years.

As one of the plans to lift Nigeria’s economy in the post-covid-19 era, the Federal Government of Nigeria will be partnering other agencies to train 500 Nigerian Youths, in automobile engineering.

Trade Nigeria is projecting A National Automobile and Automotive Training Program, this programme has three ministries, JICA Nigeria, Toyota, and Nissan automobile Japan as partners. It is expected to take place very soon.

The President of Trade Nigeria, Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George said the programme is one of the many programmes they have lined up to alleviate the lots of Nigerian Youths especially as the world prepares for life after the covid-19 pandemic.


Hon. Buchi George said the Nigeria National Automobile Training program, is part of their Train-Nigeria, Learn-Nigeria Project for 2021, adding that he is excited with the number of endorsements the programme has seen so far.

Federal Ministry of Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs; Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development as well as the Federal Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs are the three ministries involved with the programme, with Hon. Buchi George saying that their presence will further solidify the international partnerships and help in maximizing the missions of the programme.

“The mission is simple, to reduce unemployment among youths in the country, but the other side of it that we will be using it to start a revolution for the service sector of Nigeria” he concluded


Africa: The Hospitality industry is evolving and not under any form of threat


In the wake of the gradual return to life and resumption of business activities following the COVID-19 inspired lockdown globally to contain the spread of the deadly disease, Lagos based firms has predicted a spike in the real estate, hospitality, and tourism sector. This is just as more people are expected to seek the desired trip away from home to their choice holiday destinations or even a short break away from home having spent the large part of the previous year working remotely.

While hotels have taken a beating in bookings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown, short let homes and apartment bookings have soared with the number of bookings continuing to rise as we return to normalcy.

According to a report by Market Watch, the short-term rentals market has grown significantly during the last few years, and it is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the next five years with the occupancy rate projected to be at 70% in 2021.

The increase in short let homes adoption is in close relation to the growth in the tourism industry as travelers have widely adopted short-term rentals, such as the vacation homes and other booking channels, resulting in one of the hottest arms of the sharing economy. In fact, short-term rentals yielded 30% more profits for homeowners/investors than long-term leases, with an estimated global market valuation of $169 billion in 2018 alone.

With a growing urban and middle-class city comes a need for recreational centres, tourist accommodation and activities. According to African Futures Papers, by 2035, close to 30 million people could live in Lagos, turning Nigeria’s commercial hub into the largest megacity on the continent. At the same time, more than a third of Africa’s urban population is expected to live in West Africa. Nigeria’s Lagos city is estimated to become one of the fastest-growing cities in the next twelve years with Lagos becoming a megacity by 2030.

Digitalization is leading the charge to drive short let homes utilization and investment, according to reports Chief Executive Officer of most firms said digitization and the huge cost of hotel rentals have created a huge opportunity for short let homes to thrive. “Why on earth have we been paying high prices for hotel rooms when we could pay less for a whole apartment within the same prime location and with close proximity to the best bars, restaurants, shopping centres and beaches,” from report.


Today, Lagos Island is experiencing a real estate boom driven by high yield rental income from short let opportunities. This can be seen as both a threat and an opportunity for the hospitality industry. The prospect of its continued expansion is clearly a timely warning to hotels offering rooms at the same rates that consumers can use to get a whole apartment and, in some cases, much lower.

Some of the reporters who disclosed that company’s average booking duration increased by 350% for group bookings from 4 days to 14 days and an average of 7 days for single bookings, which is a 230% increase from a previous average of 2 days per booking, stressed that the hospitality and tourism industry is evolving to meet the needs of the yearning end users.

Hotels can choose to evolve or compete, however with digitization, automation and artificial intelligence, digitally focused start-ups within the short-let rental market can create a terrifying monster for large and small hotel chains just by using technology to deliver on the go instant bookings, convenience, comfort and the use of virtual booking agents to replace human agents,” they said.

With over 80% of Nigeria’s population having internet access via their mobile devices according to a 2021 digital report by We Are Social, the country is well-positioned to benefit from the global digital opportunities. This also affords more online rental platforms to provide an opportunity to capture demand for domestic and international bookings where affordability and luxury go hand in hand.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Nigeria-Korea Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021


The Nigeria-Korea Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021 is a trade Mission organized by Trade Nigeria, a public, private partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria to drive business development and investments. Its aim is to support and promote business development between Nigeria and  Korea. 

It will bring together thousands of high level key decision makers and well placed government representatives, key players in various industries and some of the world’s most renowned business executives.

This event will promote our bi-lateral trade relationship. It will assist individuals and companies participating to find overseas partners, license technology and help them expand and grow internationally. This trip will be tailored around specific business opportunities that abound with Korea and each delegate will surely benefit based on the nature of their business as well as meeting up with strategic growth objectives

Nigeria - Korea Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021 will provide the needed platform for delegates to learn and be inspired by some of the most influential figures in the business world and beyond.


The program will feature multilateral trade talk, Bilateral G2G meetings among others.

The Nigeria-Korea Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021 is scheduled to hold in Seoul, South Korea.

Nigeria - Turkey Economic and Investment Forum: An Event that will give purposefulness to businesses in Nigeria and Africa at large .


Nigeria - Turkey  economic and investment Forum will bring together some of the most influential decision-makers in Nigeria and Turkey: corporate leaders, international funders, heads of State and ministers, representatives of Nigeria and Turks business communities, among others.

The economic and investment Forum will provide a platform dedicated to the development of business opportunities in Nigeria and Africa , as well as sharing of experiences and the deciphering of trends in the African business environment.

The Forum will be a place of interactive encounters and mutual exchange of ideas which will provide a space for discussion around operational and multi-sectoral workshops, moderated by key players in their respective fields and by the finest minds of young entrepreneurs who are driving business innovations.

The Nigeria - Turkey  Economic and Investment Forum is powered by Trade Nigeria in partnership with Globe chamber of commerce and industry. 

Stay tuned as more information comes your way

The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Pictorial view of different meetings as preparatory to Trade Nigeria Joint Trade Mission 2021

Trade Nigeria Boss and sub-committee members on Education after a meeting

sub-committee meetings on Realestate

Trade Nigeria Boss and Representative of the South Korea Embassy in Nigeria after a brief meeting

inter-ministerial plenary for the forthcoming Nigeria-japan economy and investment forum 2021

Trade Nigeria Representatives in a meeting with Representatives from the Nigeria ministry of Agriculture

Friday, August 20, 2021

Nigeria - Poland Joint Trade Mission and Business Delegation Of Industries, Agriculture, Mines, Investment and Commerce 2021

 Nigeria - Poland Economic and Investment  Forum is powered by Trade Nigeria to enhance trade, business, investment and economic opportunities between Nigeria and Poland.

The relationship between Nigeria and Poland over the years has been mutually beneficial guided by trust, respect and friendly relations.

Although  Nigeria and Poland business communities have recorded tremendous successes in bi-lateral trade, there is a large trade imbalance in favor of Poland as Poland exports represent some 80 per cent of the total bilateral trade volumes. This gap needs to be reduced.

Nigeria - Poland Economic and Investment  Forum  is a forum that promotes mutual beneficial relationship in business transactions among Poland and Nigeria. This is projecting Nigeria not only as a consumer market alone, but as an investment destination where goods can be manufactured and consumed locally.

Nigeria - Poland Economic and Investment  Forum will explore ways of practical cooperation in trade, investment, finance, human resources, agriculture, fishing, and also strengthen industrial capacity cooperation in the manufacture of cars, household appliances, construction materials, textiles, food processing, and others. This is in line with Trade Nigeria focused on Growing Africa's Economy.

For further information: kindly visit or call any of the Trade Nigeria offices:


Edo House, suite 5 – 05 fifth floor,

Central business district, Abuja.


Rivers State

#6, Omerelu Street, GRA Phase 1,

Port Harcourt, Rivers State.



The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria and Globe Chamber of Commerce that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

North America - Africa Economic and Investment Forum powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Given weak global growth prospects and significant downside risks, our economic policies will need to strike a balance between supporting growth and creating the fiscal space to respond to emergent economic challenges. This means executing on fiscal consolidation now, particularly in highly indebted countries.

The policy package we prescribe should balance growth, equity and sustainability concerns, including protecting society’s most vulnerable, particularly youth and women, who tend to be left behind during economic transformations.

Tackling corruption decisively would also help raise additional resources and redirect them to growth-friendly areas, while restoring the integrity of institutions. This would in turn spread economic benefits more widely within and across countries.

This is a time to act boldly and swiftly to ensure we don’t confine Africa’s youth to the margins of global economic activity.

In line with the aforementioned, Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents North America-Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021.

This is a forum that is aimed at fostering business expansion within and beyond the shores of Africa.

It will cover economic sectors such as

·       Agriculture, Agro Technology, Agro Business and Agro Machinery,

·       Manufacturing and infrastructure development

·       Renewable Energy,

·       Real Estate

·       Transportation

·       Digital Technology

·       Tourism

·       Financing SMEs

·       Healthcare

Africa will be presented to international investors.


Featured agenda items will include projects showcase, capacity building workshops deal marketplace, exhibition, and country presentations, among others.

There will be matchmaking sessions dedicated to making the process of meeting investors easier, country specific presentations, sector focused sessions and evening networking meetings. This will ensure
investment deals are concluded during the convention.

Securing finance is a big hurdle for local entrepreneurs as well as foreign companies operating in Africa. Companies that approach banks for investment in Africa are met with doubts and skepticism. All the existing possibilities however need to be explored. Whether you are a start up or a bigger company looking to invest in Africa, The North America-Africa Economic and Investment Forum is the place to be. How to secure financing and markets for your business will be our core business at the forum.

The aforementioned is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan: A platform for Medical and Healthcare Transformation


The purpose of the Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan is to introduce and expose Nigeria medical industries to the rapidly expanding and innovative healthcare sectors in Korea and Japan, and to assist Nigeria medical industries in pursuing opportunities in Korea, Japan and Asia at large.

The healthcare system in Korea and Japan is considered to be of a comprehensive form, with a public health service funded by the government and an expanding private health care and medical service. Individuals who are resident in Korea and Japan for at least one year are entitled to receive health care through the public healthcare system managed by the National Health Insurance Service  (NHIS) and government respectively.

In 1976, Korea adopted a policy that universal health coverage would be achieved by 1989. Since 1988, all Korean citizens have had health coverage, via private-sector initiatives and medical insurance societies

South Korea's single-payer health system ranks 19th overall in the World Index of Healthcare Innovation, with a score of 46.47. Korea performs especially well at keeping health care spending low, at 8.1% of GDP. Its debt-to-GDP ratio of 39.5% is excellent.

while, Health care in Japan is, generally speaking, provided free for Japanese citizens, expatriates, and foreigners. Medical treatment in Japan is provided through universal health care. This system is available to all citizens, as well as non-Japanese citizens staying in Japan for more than a year.

As an important element of national security, medical and healthcare system not only functions to provide adequate and timely medical care but also track, monitor, and control disease outbreak. The Nigerian healthcare has suffered several down-falls. Despite Nigerian's strategic position in Africa, the country is greatly undeserved in the healthcare sphere. Health facilities (health centers, personnel, and medical equipment) are inadequate in this country, especially in rural areas. While various reforms have been put forward by the Nigerian government to address the wide ranging issues in the health care system, they are yet to be implemented at the state and local government area levels.

The Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan will be a platform to readdress the healthcare service impediments. However, in doing so it will focus on innovative health and medical services, including advanced techniques and instrumentation, as well as the translation of medical research to health outcomes. Relevant areas of interest include life science, practice based research, advanced clinical practice, workforce training and regional delivery of health services.

The Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan is targeting representatives from medical industries, medical research organizations, private sector, institutions and the government. The mission will include conferences, tailored meetings (B2B, B2C) and networking events. Through these activities, the trade mission represents a valuable opportunity for delegates to network and form partnership.

The Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan is powered by in conjunction with Trade Nigeria Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a host of others.

For Enquiries on how to participate in the Forthcoming Nigeria Joint Trade Mission to South Korea and Japan, please call or visit Trade Nigeria office @:


Edo House, Suite 5-05 Fifth Floor,

Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria.


Rivers State

#6 Omerelu Street, GRA Phase 1

Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

0816 126 1262, 

0701 088 2314, 

0908 008 8327, 

0705 686 3770

OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE @ www.tradewithnigeria.com

The aforementioned subject is brought to you by National Mail


National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update!