Thursday, February 25, 2021

Traders' Business Forum 2021: The Need to Attend

The Trade Nigeria's Traders Business Forum 2021 is uniquely designed and tailored to suit all aspect of business life which include, but not limited to entrepreneurship, skills training, mentorship and lots more.

The Traders Business Forum 2021 is designed to hold at the Trade Nigeria Auditorium, 5th floor, Edo House Abuja from the 18th of March to the 19th of March 2021.

There is power in being connected to other people who are active in your line of business, but it can also be easy to talk yourself into committing to an annual business meeting year after year.  Many people think that having or owing a business is enough, but to capitalize on the return on your investment you need to be engaged and participate actively in business meetings, conferences and business workshop seminars.

Many Entrepreneurs, Small business owners and Traders are busy, so the thought of taking a few hours or days away from their business to participate in a conference, trade show, convention or seminar can seem like a waste of time.  However, these live meetings might be just what you need to uncover new ways to growing your business.

Many think that being around competitors can be a waste of time, or worse; a chance for others to steal their ideas.  But not everyone in your business is actually a competitor, as many can be allies and friends.  The mindset you choose about participating in events will reflect on your results.

Here are five reasons to attend a business forum or trade conference:


1.  It helps you to network with other business partners

Business meetings or conferences provide a great opportunity to network.  Often competitors from different business background can become valuable resources for referrals and best-practices.  Avoiding partners for fear of others discovering your competitive advantage can actually limit your own success.  Collaboration is the way to approach networking.  While there are those whose intentions can be suspected, most people can help each other uncover ideas and spark inspiration when they get to know each other on a personal level.


2.  It Creates Educational Opportunities.  

No matter how experienced you are at your business, everyone can learn.  Working in a small business venture can often be isolating, and without exposure to a variety of points of view, we can miss new ideas and trends that can impact future results.  The educational aspect of a business meeting can expose you to new ways of conducting your business and help you discover how to be more productive.


3.  It helps you Encounter new vendors and suppliers. 

Too often people shy away from business meetings, trade exhibit show hall and all of that.  They fear that they will have to talk to salespeople, but some industry suppliers are some of the best people for you to get to know if you want to learn more about the current business climate.  Discovering innovative products and services for your business is necessary to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced world.  Plus, these vendors who sell to your organization fully grasp what is happening inside your competition.  Invest time with the sponsors at the event and turn them into your friends and allies.


4.  It creates a comparative advantage.  

When you are active in your line of business, you can develop a reputation as an expert to your competitors and your clients.  Those who are engaged over the long term are often asked to speak at the business events and to write articles for publications.  Like it or not, others like to associate with the experts in any industry.  Clients feel good about doing business with those that are celebrated by their peers. If your strategy is to be the best-kept secret in your business community, you will be missing a valuable opportunity.


5.  It helps you relax and have Time Out.  

Being in business should be rewarding and fun.  All work and no play can get old fast.  Business meetings and conferences can add a layer of enjoyment to managing your career growth by mixing a social aspect into your learning and industry branding efforts.  Many events have fun activities such as parties, socializing and tours of the local area where the event is hosted.  Taking an extra day at the beginning or end of the trip to explore or visit friends in the region is also a great way to maximize the investment in travel.  Never underestimate the power of a little fun mixed with some interesting people!


Many falsely believe that since they can now access business information via the Internet that the days of the live meeting are gone.  The truth is, meetings are more important than ever.  The value in meetings comes from the human-to-human connections that occur.  Often people cite the serendipitous “hallway conversations” that they have with other attendees as the most valuable parts of attending a business meeting or business event.  While these are not on the agenda, or mentioned in the breakout sessions learning objectives, when two or more people begin to discuss topics on a deeper and personal level, the success of the event to those involved becomes irreplaceable.  It is the people that bring the return on investment (ROI) to your time at the event.


The aforementioned subject is brought to you, courtesy of National Mail.

National Mail is an online news platform of Trade Nigeria and globe chamber of commerce and Industry that focuses on business development, Investment, trade, economic exchange and development. 

Follow National Mail on twitter, LinkedIn, and Nairaland for your one stop news update! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Update: preparations, Registrations and Plans for a successful outing of The Nigeria - Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021 is in full Flight


 The plans for a successful outing of the Nigeria - Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation is in full flight, with tones of other side attractions which includes cultural exchange, green carpet, and with guess speakers from the Nigeria and Japan readily available to educate the participants on the nitty-gritty of international business.

The Nigeria - Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation is scheduled to hold in Tokyo, Japan from the 5th to 10th of June 2021, has also received endorsement from various states of the federation.

The event which has being slated to hold from the 5th to 10th of June 2021 in Tokyo, Japan, will help create investments and trade opportunities among nations and facilitates economic recovery throughB2B and G2G meetings, Trade Exchange, infrastructural and industrial forums and lot more. In addition, it will strengthen the bilateral relationship that exists between Nigeria and Japan; with major aim sighted at economic growth and development.

Registration for the Nigeria-Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation is ongoing  and we implore every well meaning business minds, individuals and organizations to seize this wonderful opportunity to explore internationally; scout for foreign partners  for growth and expansion of their businesses.

Ensure you do not miss out!


For further information: kindly visit or call any of the Trade Nigeria offices:


Edo House, suite 5 – 05 fifth floor,

Central business district, Abuja.


Rivers State

#6, Omerelu Street, GRA Phase 1,

Port Harcourt, Rivers State.



Monday, February 1, 2021

Hon. Buchi George lending his voice on the forthcoming Asia - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021, Tokyo, Japan.

The Pandemic has strained Africa’s health systems, education, aviation, culture, trade, and general livelihoods as well as the continent’s public and private sectors amid lockdowns, stifling sources of income.

IMF has revised its GDP growth forecast for the continent from 5.1 before the pandemic to -1.6%. Similarly, the World Bank made a similar forecast that indicates a decline from 2.4% in 2019 to between -2.1 and -5.1% in 2020. The economic impact has been enormous and continues to bite even further.

In a move to reposition Africa’s economy in this  pandemic era as well as the post pandemic era, Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is putting up the Asia – Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021, Tokyo Japan.

Asia-Africa Economic and Investment Forum will be a networking point for Asian and African investors as Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry is proposing that the best way out of the global economic crisis is multiple and strategic collaborations.

Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George, the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in an announcement about the event, said strategic partnership is key to global development at the moment.

Hon. Buchi George said that Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry has strategically looked into what Africa and Asia can mutually offer each other and there is a whole lot in various sectors.


“Economically, Africa needs to be great again and while the second wave of the pandemic is still on, we need to put down viable recovery plans that can be kicking off any time. 2021 is a good time for us and we believe by then, everywhere will open up for us and other organizations working hard to make the world a better place” Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George said.

The Asia - Africa Economic and Investment Forum 2021 is powered by Globe chamber of commerce, and will be held in Tokyo, Japan.