Monday, July 17, 2023

Why Attend The World Textile and Shoe Expo?

The World Textile and Shoe Expo which will include Global Fashion Week and Awards is indeed a Global Fashion, World Shoe/Leather, Footwear Expo, Exhibition, Mentorship and Fashion Masterclass /Fashion Business Forum that will be accessible to all nations and stakeholders;
The Program will be a meeting point for Wearables, Luxury lifestyles, Creativities, Crafts, Ideas sharing, Talents Developments, Fashion for Friendship, Global Networking, Business Developments, Textile, Leather, Brands Industry, Experts, professionals, media and Globe Fashion business.
The program will undoubtedly be showcasing Fashion, Textile, Leather Works, Digital and Creative Contents from Designers and Creators, Enabling Collaboration and Bringing Together Fashion, Lifestyle, Culture, Creativities, New Ideas and Technology; Supporting and Promoting the Business of Fashion.
The program is scheduled for the 23rd to the 27th of October, 2023 and it is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Globe Economic and Trade Development Council and KMA, Korea.
For contacts on enquiries:
👉 See leaflet.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

World Textile and Shoe Expo 2023: A program with lots of business advantages.

The World Textile and Shoe Expo which will include Global Fashion Week and Awards is indeed a Global Fashion, World Shoe/Leather, Footwear Expo, Exhibition, Mentorship and Fashion Masterclass Fashion Business Forum that will be accessible to all nations and stakeholders;

The Program will be a meeting point for Wearables, Luxury lifestyles, Creativities, Crafts, Ideas sharing, Talents Developments, Fashion for Friendship, Global Networking, Business Developments, Textile, Leather, Brands Industry, Experts, professionals, media and Globe Fashion business.

The program will undoubtedly be showcasing Fashion, Textile, Leather Works, Digital and Creative Contents from Designers and Creators, Enabling Collaboration and Bringing Together Fashion, Lifestyle, Culture, Creativities, New Ideas and Technology; Supporting and Promoting the Business of Fashion.

The program is scheduled for the 23rd to the 27th of October, 2023 and it is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Globe Economic and Trade Development Council and KMA, Korea.

For contacts on enquiries:
👉 See leaflet.

Monday, July 10, 2023


World Textile and Shoe Expo is designed specifically to promote and facilitate international trade on textiles, foot wears, fabrics, leather and shoes between businesses stationed in the various continent of the world; to facilitate foreign direct investment, and to provide a platform for textile businesses to expand into new markets.

World Textile and Shoe Expo will bring together key economic players from several countries including government delegations, project developers, international investors new and established business men and women representing a wide range of sectors such as textiles, leather, fabrics, garment among others, for an invaluable time of practical advice and guidance on growing their business and entering new markets. This expo will bring together some of the most knowledgeable and influential speakers on the key issues that impact international trade in the Textile Industry.

Every business owners involved in growing or producing fibres, such as sheep farmers and cotton growers, those who make fibers into thread, thread into cloth, dyes bleach and cloth finishing are also encouraged to participate.

Participants will walk away armed with the knowledge and connections to take their Textile businesses to the next level, while sponsors will benefit from direct interaction with their target market.

The World Textile and Shoe Expo will bring together over 2000 top business men and women from across the world to benefit from a truly interactive summit which will be taking place in Seoul, South Korea and will encourage direct peer engagement, for more advanced deal-making, co-investments, strategic partnerships, and business networking.

The world Textile and Shoe Expo is scheduled from the 23rd – to the 27th of October 2023, in Seoul, South Korea. It is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry in conjunction with Korea Modelling Association (KMA).

For Enquiries: See


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Trade Around The World With Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).


When a business growth is essential it often start thinking about going global, expanding internationally beyond their original market to new customers abroad or in other nations.

It’s an exciting time for such business but expanding internationally is a complicated process and decision that requires careful thought.


Businesses of all sizes are successfully extending their operations abroad. Why waiting?. A profitable opportunity to enter new markets, broaden your product line, and assemble a world-class staff is provided by global growth. But it's challenging.


To support businesses expanding globally, Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI) have an exciting business programs under the World Economic and Investment (WEIFORUM) that nurture, promote, grow, connect and expand businesses globally. If you want to know all that it entails or required to make your business expansion a success and sustainable, see


Your businesses can take advantage of GCCI program opportunities through WEIFORUM, which improves profitability, generates additional income, and builds brand recognition. There are many advantages to growing your business globally, and business executive can explore the boundaries of what is feasible for their brands and target markets. 


Business executives expand abroad with different perceptions and objectives in mind, just as entrepreneurs create enterprises for a variety of reasons.


For enterprises, expanding their businesses internationally has several real advantages. Companies are very interested in global expansion because they understand that it is a wonderful method to expand their operations globally and bring in new revenue streams, brand awareness, and global talent.


Below are some of the advantages of taking your business global through the Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) global platform.


It Accelerates Business Growth  

Expanding a business internationally provide business organizations with access to additional markets. Entering new markets helps businesses grow beyond the customers and prospective buyers in their original country. A global market entails more potential customers, markets with various demands and tastes, and markets that operate under various legal frameworks.


It Help To Generates More Income

Businesses can increase their revenue by expanding into global markets, which makes them more resilient to market shocks and changes in home market conditions. Increasing sales by going global could be as simple as making products available online in new countries or as difficult as setting up new factories and fulfillment facilities abroad.

Regardless of how your business enters a foreign market, it is likely that sales will increase. This income can help you increase your profitability.       


It Increases Your Business' Brand Recognition 

Your business increases brand recognition among potential customers by expanding into new markets. Your business can grow its brand awareness and develop a recognizable image by going global. As a result, your brand is strengthened and new opportunities for product marketing are created.

Reaching new markets is frequently made simpler if you've established awareness outside of your primary market because you already know how to convey importance to potential clients. If you are successful, you might be able to use that to establish your reputation in neighboring nations, the remainder of the continent, or a new area.


It Give Your Business Access To Global Intellectuals and Experts.

As your business grows globally, hiring experts from other nations generally becomes easier to accomplish. Better name recognition for your brand and familiarity with other markets can be very helpful when you’re recruiting, and access to experts provides your business with the opportunity to hire the best hands.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Globe Fashion Week & Awards 2023: "We are not just taking fashion to Korea, we are also introducing Korea uniqueness in fashion to the world”- GCCI President


Global Fashion Week & Awards is a ground breaking opportunity for companies that operate within the context of textile and shoe manufacturing to showcase their products to the global audience.


 The program which is designed for October 2023, in Seoul, South Korea will be jointly powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and industry (GCCI), and the Korea Model Association (KMA), with the goal of providing a global platform for outstanding textile companies and shoe industries to network, connect, share their innovations and promote excellence. The program will create a business matching niche for upcoming but outstanding textile companies, shoe manufacturing industries to be recognized.


According to the president of Globe Chamber of commerce and industry (GCCI), Hon. Buch George  in his remarks at a press interview stated, that the world focus is seriously on Korean culture right now. Korea Pop music (K-Pop) first had a rise in popularity, and now Korea fashion is experiencing the same. With their distinctive modern looks, Seoul's stylish young have attracted the attention of the globe. These looks are mostly inspired by street style clothes and urban wear.


“It's apparent why Seoul has established a reputation as East Asia's premier fashion hub as a result of the abundance of potential fashion talent that is emerging in the city and the seasonal expansion Fashion program”.


“We are not just taking fashion to Korea, we are also introducing Korea uniqueness in fashion to the world”.


“We want to use this program not only to promote fabrics, shoes and all-inclusive fashion, but to also recognize outstanding manufacturers and icons in the industry. Fashion has become everything we do and it is one important industry that had produced outstanding individuals and grown economies of many nations” he added.

Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry alongside the Korea Model Association will also use the medium to recognize Fashion icons, designers, brands and textile industries, in the light of an award ceremony.


regardless of the award ceremony that normally goes with fashion events, the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce revealed that the essence of the Global Fashion Week and Awards to is to give fresh breath to fashion, textile and shoe industries globally.


“The program will also help Korean shoes and fabrics industries to increase their customer base, grow profits and provide marketing opportunities, help break in to new markets and countries, and enhance the credibility of their products.


“Every business owners involved in growing or producing fibres, such as sheep farmers, cotton growers and those who make fibers into thread, thread into cloth, dyes bleach and cloth finishing are also encouraged to participate.


“Participants will walk away armed with the knowledge and connections to take their textile businesses to the next level, while sponsors will benefit from direct interaction with their target market”. He concluded

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Weiforum Conference UK 2023: A global initiative with the opportunity to support and influence trade, investment and business development.


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), one of the foremost international trade development organization is propagating  'Weiforum Conference Uk' as a tool that will change business narratives. 

speaking during the program  announcement, Hon. Buchi George, who is the president of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, revealed  that the World Economic and Investment Forum (WEFORUM) Conference UK, is a tool that will change the global business perspectives.

adding that WEFORUM CONFERENCE Uk which is an international conference, trade summit, and product exhibition platform is created to facilitate all inclusive international trade development and investment between countries and continents.

 "Aside the fact that the conference upholds all that our organization believes, the conference is timely as the world is trying to create a balance in trade and investment", he complimented. 

"The Conference will primarily focus on business development, bilateral trade partnerships, economic cooperation and solutions for international trade and investment challenges.

"It will also offer global stakeholders multiple opportunities to support and influence trade Investment and business development related to policy making, global matchmaking and outsourcing.", he continues.

According to the official web page,, The international conference will shape the business environment for trade growth and network with global business leaders and policies that comes with trade.

 WEIFORUM is a global initiative that will accelerate the transformation of global trade and investment, adding that it will connect continents through multilateral trade partnerships and trade cooperation, the president added.

“Our objective is simply to promote Investment Policies, trade relationships and trade between continents through conferences, summits, expos, fairs that create value for all humanity and sectors", he concluded

For enquiry or  registration information for both exhibition and participation/delegation are available here

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Weiforum Conference UK: A program designed to strengthen trade between organizations, industries, countries and continents.


Weiforum Conference UK, is an integral part of The World Economic and Investment Forum 2023, which is put in motion by Globe Chamber of commerce and Industry (GCCI) to strengthen trade between continents, more especially, the Euro continent.


According to the President of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George in his social media handle, “as different part of the globe is strategically building a formidable economy that will see business and investment blossom, they are as well using it as a defense mechanism in case of any eventuality.


Adding that the global economy is passing through a phase, especially the Eurozone being the cause of concern.


“We are living in an era where the effect of war, fear and global uncertainties of some regions are crippling and bending economies of other regions because the affected regions are depending of this other regions for survival”. He added


“We can all agree that any workable plan for accelerating economic development must always include the development of trade as a key component.


“Trade development will increase investment rates throughout the economy in the near future. Long-term, it will eliminate supply restrictions that limit economic activity in trade, manufacturing, and agriculture.  Public Private Partnerships are crucial for bringing in the private sector because the government cannot do it alone.


 "This is why our organization is putting up a collaborating program ‘Weiforum Conference”, which is a global program, designed to take place in virtually every region of the globe.

“The targets we are setting for ourselves today are certainly ambiguous but achievable.

“Our only challenge is ensuring partners and collaborators will reachout to cooperate in order to accomplish these goals and overcome any roadblocks that may appear.

“I would implore all of the trade institutions that will work with us to implement our strategy. As we proceed, I know some conflicts of interest will arise but I’m quite certain it will be handed.

“Our weiforum conference coverage includes: Asia, Europe, South America, Baltic, North America, and lot more…..

“The First which is Weiforum Uk, is billed for the 20th to the 23rd September 2023”. He concluded


Friday, May 5, 2023

WEIFORUM Conference: "we’ll help connect the dots and let innovation set the pace” GCCI President

 The Weiforum Conference is a distinct program designed to convene variety of business individuals and industries that will showcase their brands, goods, products and services. Additionally, the program is designed to accommodate visitors, exhibitors, tourists and all within the business climate.


According to the official web page of Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), the Conference is a program under the WEIFORUM project designed with the objective of improving cross border business transactions between manufacturers and sellers, sellers and consumers, Government and Investors among others.


Supporting the aforementioned, the president of GCCI, Hon. Buchi George stated that the Weiforum is a market where buyers and sellers gather to transact business. Adding that it’s indeed an exposition that will showcase the works of art, science and industry to stimulate public interest, promote manufactured products, expand trade and illustrate progress in a variety of areas.

“This WEIFORUM Conference will be unmatched among portfolios of international events in terms of capacity. It will provide a large-scale institutional and progress platform that will act as a link between governments, businesses, international organizations, and industries.


“The Program will also serve as a fascinating framework to the pavilion's exhibition, which will highlight the host country, Estonia’s prowess in agriculture, machinery and diversity in art, and research”. He added


“We feel that the market in which you operate is evolving faster than ever. And as part of our motivation, we’ll bridge the gap by bringing together industry leaders to collaborate and develop solutions to one of the market's most intriguing global concerns. With some breakthrough trends, we’ll help connect the dots and let innovation set the pace”. He concluded


The WEIFORUM Conference is taking place at Unibet, Tallinn, Estonia from the 15th to the 17th of September 2023.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Dance Africa 2023: A program that offers creative and activities that emphazise traditional, contemporary, social, creative and physical study of dance.


Dance Africa is a cultural festival designed Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) to provide an opportunity for African and Estonian communities to experience, explore and engage in music and movement of cultural collaboration.

 According to GCCI President Buchi George, Our aim in creating this program is to provide creative and activities that emphasize traditional, modern, social, creative, gestural and physical study of African and Estonian dance and music.

 “African communities use dancing for a wide variety of intricate social functions. Each performance in an indigenous dance tradition often serves a primary goal as well as several auxiliary ones, some of which may represent or reflect the communal values and interpersonal interactions of the participants. It is consequently vital to determine the reason why each dance is done in order to distinguish between these different types of dance.

“Specifically, The Dance Africa will present traditional and innovative dance and music environment from across the African/Estonia borders. The festival will showcase a wide range of performers from Estonia and Africa, as well as inventive dance styles that highlight Africa's worldwide influence on dance via a variety of distinct dance traditions.” He added

The Dance Africa is sheduled for the 15th to the 20th of June 2023, in the authitorium of the National Museum, Tartur, Estonia, the Tallinn cultural centre and The Vilnus art Centre respectively. and it will undoubtedly bring together culturally immersed dancers, musicians, artisans, performers, cultural ambassadors, community leaders, business owners, youth, families, and much more to connect and share their cultural values and heritage with each other.

 Program highlights includes and not limited to; theatre: displays, drama, Festivals: history, music and cultural Exchange.

 The Festival will be powered by both Governments of Estonia and Nigeria, both Ministries of Culture, National Museum Tartur Estonia, Nigeria Embassy Lithuania and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abuja, Nigeria among others.

 GCCI is using this medium to invite participants of all ages and skill levels to connect with some of the most significant traditional dance forms originating from and around the continent of Africa and Europe.


Friday, April 28, 2023

GCCI: " We Need To Make The World Hear About" GCCI President



Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry has lined up series of programs to stabilize and promote business organizations.

The lined up programs include and not limited to, World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIFORUM) and Conference to countries like Estonia, UK, Poland, Japan, Korea, ; AgroSlovenia and Investment Forum to Slovenia, and Other programs geared towards improving entrepreneurship;

The programs according to the organization will Fast track a large volume of trade between countries and conrinents. This is one way towards unifying countries and continents, and in addition, a window opportunity for developing nations to bounce back to greatness after the devastating effects of the pandemic that rock the globe.

With all this events in place, the President of Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Hon. Buchi George, believes that 2023 is becoming that year that we’ve been anticipating for, a year of intervention and serious breakthrough.

“We need to make the globe hear about us”, Hon. Buchi George said, while speaking from Estonia. He further stated that one the ways in achieving that is to find a common ground where nations and continents can partner to achieve a greater good.

“The Baltic is a great region and it can offer us a lot, while our programs can impact positively on the region. We’re working on a union that will encourage trade, investments and economic development. 


“Working with appropriate authorities in most European countries is one thing we are doing at the moment and we will be announcing a lot of participating nations before the time of the event” he added

“World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) & Conference will be the first on the list of programs lined up by Globe Chambers of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) as the organization look to more cohesive and innovative business environment that will encourage networking for economic growth and development”, he concluded


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

WEIFORUM Conference : A program that will provide participants with an interesting market and insight as regards international growth opportunities. Registrations are ongoing!


The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) & Conference 2023 which will be holding in Tallinn, Estonia will provide an unrivalled avenue for networking and top-level dialogue on business issues concerning global business growth.


The conference will bring together key organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs from specific sectors chosen from around the globe to provide interesting market and insights to businesses that are looking for international growth opportunities.


In addition to that, it will bring together global business leaders from a range of organizations to discuss how to improve the business and investment climate. Among these are multinational companies, large corporations, small and medium-scale enterprises and confederations, as well multilateral and regional institutions.


The World Economic and Investment Forum (WEIForum) & Conference 2023 will involve a series of top-level business-related events in the Baltic, Tallinn, Estonia precisely, and it is dated 15th to 18th of September 2023.


The program is expected to convene over five thousand business participants from across the globe, together with leaders to discuss how to stimulate the investment needed to create quality jobs. Important issues will be underlined, including the need to establish frameworks for closer cooperation between the continent's business communities, in support of economic development and with a view to making the sustainable development goals a reality.


In other words opportunities imbedded in the conference includes networking that will create an  environment that encourages innovations, by fostering relevant collaboration between manufacturing organizations, industries and the markets.

highlights of the program will include the most recent research and future potential of the global market, Keynote speakers providing international market insight and interactive discussions to strengthen interchange of organization views.


The WEIForum & Conference 2023, Tallinn, Estonia is powered by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and registration is up and running.

For participation / registrations click this link;

Please Note: The registration and participation of The Weiforum Conference, Tallinn Estonia 2023 is categorized as follow:


  • Ø Individual registration ----------- 260 euro, for those within Europe.


  • Ø  Company Registration (not more than 3 attendees) ………... 650euro for those within Europe.


  • Ø   Platinum company (not more than 3 attendees) ………………1,350 euro, for three delegations. The platinum level registration includes showcasing of company’s logo.


  • Ø For International participation …………..500 euro with invitation letter.

                                            Ensure you do well to be in attendance!





Thursday, April 20, 2023

WEIFORUM CONFERENCE: An event that will provide Participants access to European locally manufactured products.


Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has said that their Weiforum Conference 2023 which is an international business development program will boost global trade and the export of locally manufactured products in developing nations.


The Weiforum & Conference which is championed by Globe Chamber of Commerce and Industry will give global access to locally made product, according to the President of the organizations, Hon. Buchi George.

“The event is one important ways of bringing upto speed an economy that needs to get things running at a fine speed.


“Giving global access to locally made products will boost sales and in turn make developing nations less of a consuming nation, which is one aspect of our organization’s goal", he continued


“Most locally manufacture products of developing nations are not exported because of issues around information and standards, but this event will provide a long-lasting solution for such problem,”

“We want to give pride to domestic manufacturers and local producers. We want them to have global access for their products.  Imagine what it will be like when countries like, Ghana are given the will power to export cocoa to virtually all corners of the world”.


“That’s the kind of stories we want this program to be remembered for”, he added


The president further stated that the event will also help boost the standard and quality of developing nations’ products, thereby making their countries a business hub for global producers and consumers.


“The Weiforum and Conference is billed to hold in several regions and continent, but the first will commence from the 15th to 18th of September 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia.


Adding that the chosen of countries for the event was strategic, calling on interested participants to use this available opportunity to register.


 For participation / registrations click this link